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Shadow Step: Chapter 5: Unwanted... 
One ring... two... rings.... three rings... nothing. 
"Ruki? it's Moka... We really need to talk. call me as soon as you get this, bye." 
I took the phone away from my ear and called Uruha.  
"Hey Uruha, can we meet up somewhere and talk?" 
"uh sure."  
"Ok thanks see you in a minute." 
"ok Bye." and I began walking in the same direction.  
Soon I saw Uruha standing outside the Coffee shop and I came up to him and say, 
"It's good to see you again." I say smiling. the blonde trouble making I knew was a brand new man, but some things never change.  
"So I asume you wanna talk about Ruki?" 
"Yeah..." we take a seat inside and I say, 
"How has he been acting since I was gone?" 
"Fucking Missrible. How do you think? You think he’d be happy your gone?”
“No, but-”
“Ikari I don’t why you two don’t just make up. So you had a stupid fight? It’s not like you slept with someone.”
“Wait… what was that?”
“That what?”
“That “Yeah…”
“Can I trust you not to tell anyone and I mean ANYONE.”
“Of course.”
“Well I meet this guy while I was apart from Ruki and he just seemed so comforting.”
“So you slept with him?”
“No, I got really drunk and don’t remember shit, I woke up naked in his bed so I assumed something happened.” He stays silent…
“Please don’t tell.”
“I won’t…”
“I’m sorry. I never meant for it to go that far.”
“It’s ok Ikari I understand.”
I sink my head in shame, I hate feeling this sick…
“look you two have to make up ok? Then you can move on.”
“I know.”
I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out to see that it’s Ruki.” I nod at Uruha and answer the phone.
“Moka?” I say.
“Look I’m sorry I was such a jerk to you. I shouldn’t have went around pointing fingers.”
“Ruki it’s fine.”
“No it’s not…”
“I still love you anyway.”
“I love you too.” Then there was silence.
“Will you come meet me at my place? I wanna see you.”
“Sure be there soon.”
I ended the call and looked at Uruha.
“See who was right?” I smile and say,
“Alright alright…”
“Don’t have too much fun now ok?”
“Ok.” I say. I wave at him then begin walking to Ruki’s house. When I get there, I knock on the door, I see Ruki and once he realizes it’s me and quickly embraces me and I embrace him back.
“I missed you so much.” He says.
“I missed you too.” I say. We go inside and sit down.
“Can you ever forgive me?” he says.
“You were already forgiven.” I say smiling at him. I give him a kiss and say,
“I’m the one who should be sorry about this whole thing.”
“Let’s just forget about ok?”
“Sounds good to me.” he kisses me back.
“Moka I don’t know what I would do if you hadn’t showed up that day.” he says holding me close.
“Why are you apologizing? I was the one who left…”
“It’s fine Ruki, I mean look at you now.” I smile at him and add,
“I’m so happy for you.”
“Well now were together again, I want you to stay with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Wanna live with me?” I take a minute to make sure I heard right. I feel the smile slowly take over my face. I look into his eyes and say,
“Sounds just perfect to me.” he hugs me again.

“I love you so much Moka…”
“I love you too.” I say.

A few weeks later, I find myself walking with Lish and Akuma one day.
“Yeah, it was pretty fun today.” Akuma says.
“yeah we should do it more often.” Lish adds. We get back to Lish’s place and we all sit down in her room.
“Hey can I tell you guys something?”
“Promise you won’t tell the guys or anyone?”
“Of course.”
“Well… I don’t know exactly how to say this…”
“Well, I haven’t been feeling that great lately.”
“Like what? Are you sick.”
“Maybe… but my back is killing me and I just feel like im going to be sick all the time…” Lish and Akuma look at each other.
“I don’t know…” I say.
“You think?”
“Think what?”
“Well you want it the soft way or the hard way?” Lish says.
“Want what?”
“Moka, we think that you possibly are going to bare Ruki’s child…”
“It’s is a possibility.”
“There’s no-” they glare at me.
“Oh I know that you two…” she nods at me knowingly.
“Ruki told Uruha, Uruha told me.” she says smiling.
“I’m gonna kill him.” I say.
“Well there’s only one way to find out.”
“TO THE CONVENIENT STORE!” they yell. After that little weird episode, a few moments later I come out with the test.
“I have no idea how to tell so you to figure it out since you have your hearts set on this.”
“Fine.” They say taking it.
I sit there waiting for them to figure it out. I wasn’t that particularly worried but when they said,
“Moka, it’s positive.” I choked.
“w-what?” I say quietly.
“Your are pregnant.”
“I burry my head with my hands. I feel there arms slip around my shoulders.
“T-this is terrible… a baby? With his career. Oh god…”
“It’s gonna be fine.”
“No! it’s not! I’m jeopardizing everything for him!”
“Moka, he’ll understand.”
“You have to promise me you won’t tell him.”
“Moka you can’t just not tell him your having his baby.”
“Were not going to tell him ok?”
“Please… for me….”
“Ok, but were not happy about this.”
“That’s fine just don’t tell.”

And just like that my whole life was thrown out of propotion and I didn’t want the father to know. If he found out…. I don’t know what I would do….

“Moka you should come over for a little while.” Uruha says to me over the phone.”
“um ok?”
“Good come right now.”
“Ok be there soon.”
“Ok bye!”
“So where are you going?” Ruki Asks
“Uruha wanted to talk to me.”
“Ok, I’m gonna stay here and work on stuff.”
“Ok Love you see you soon.” I say kissing him on the forehead.”
“Love you too, be careful.”

“I will.” I say walking out the door. I’ve managed to keep it a secret for about two weeks now, but who knows how much longer I can keep this up.

“Hey Uruha.”
“Hey Moka.” He says sitting down. I sit down with him and he adds,
“How’s the baby?”
“How did you know!” I say standing up.
“Lish told me, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.”
“Sure that’s what they all say.”
“Moka… I just wanted to talk”
“Ok, I’m listening…”
Next Chapter: Temporary… 

Shadow Step [Sequel to Hollow] ~A Ruki Story~Where stories live. Discover now