Chapter 1

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You went shopping because there wasn't much to do at home; walking around the halls was dull.

Today was your first time going out in a while. Although it was nice to be out, you don't get to go out much because someone doesn't allow it. They like you in the house at all times.

As you pick up and examine an item, a sudden voice from behind startles you, making you jump. 

"Y/n?" the voice calls out, almost causing you to drop your item. You turn around to see James, your ex-boyfriend whom you haven't seen in years. 

"Oh, James! It's been a long time," you say, surprised to see him.

James states, "It's been an incredibly long time, hasn't it?" You nod, crossing your arms. James then notices the diamond ring on your finger. 

"Nice ring." He comments. From the looks of it, he assumes that whoever proposed to you is wealthy or has worked hard to afford it. You look down at your engagement ring and stare blankly as you nod in agreement with James's comment.

"Oh, thanks," you say, and James nods, unsure what to do next.

"So, how long have you been engaged?" he asks, and you look back at him.

"We got engaged a few months ago," you reply, and James nods.

"He must be a lucky guy to have you," James says, feeling jealous and hurt he missed you so much. When he saw you, he was hoping you felt the same. But he was wrong. He's missed you since you both broke up, but now you're gone for good, right?

"I guess," you say, which confuses James. Why did you say "I guess"? Do you not love your fiancé? Is there still hope for him to win you back and sweep you off your feet?

James looks around and asks, "So, who is this lucky man? Who has won your heart over?" You take a deep breath, knowing that James won't be happy with your answer. 

You are aware that he won't like who your fiancé is, and he might even call you stupid for being with him. However, you didn't have much of a choice. 

"Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy," you say. James's eyes widen with shock. You can't tell what he's thinking, but you can see the disbelief in his eyes.

"Oh wow, um, congratulations, there's Moony and Padfoot. I gotta go, sorry," James says as he runs out of the store, and you watch him leave.

'It was nice seeing James again, but Lucius would never allow me to be around him again, so I guess that's the last time I'll see him. I'll miss him.'

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