Chapter 34

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The next day Remus, Sirius and James were putting fawn down for a nap which can be a three-person job depending on how she feels, or she just wants James, Remus and Sirius to all sing her to sleep

And since you were tired and needed to sleep so James, Remus and Sirius spent all day just watching fawn as you rested

But suddenly you scream James's name as loud as you can

James runs to the bedroom quickly and sees you breathing heavily

"Help me." You say and James's eyes widen seeing you in labour right now

"Sirius! Remus! Get in here and help me!" James yells and he watched fawn be born so he knew enough on what to do

Sirius and Remus run in and see what's happening

James was immediately trying to see how far long you are and gasps

"Get her to the hospital James! Stop sitting there." Sirius says and James shakes his head

"We have no time the baby is almost here like I see it's head." James says and Sirius and Remus help James and Sirius ends up fainting from seeing all the blood "Darling the baby is almost here just keep pushing." James says and you nod


You were laying in the guest bed

After you gave birth James didn't want you laying in bloody sheets so he moved you and the baby boy after he cleaned you and him up

James was sitting beside you as he smiles at the baby boy

Remus brings fawn in from waking her up and fawn runs over as James helps her up onto the bed and hugs her

"Meet your baby brother fawn this is Harry." James says and fawn smiles at Harry

"Hi." Fawn says and James smiles at his little family it was perfect the way it was, of course there were problems Lucius malfoy is a problem the main one

And how fawn has to go over and see him every so often with James or you

But James loves his wife and his children so much

Sirius walks in

"Morning pads, how was passing out." James asks and Sirius walks over

"Can I hold him?" Sirius asks and James and you both nod

"Well James did say you'd be godfather to our next child." You say and Sirius smiles as he was now holding Harry

"Well hey little one, I'm Sirius and I'm gonna prank your dad and your mom with your sister and you so much." Sirius says and James smiles as Remus walks over and smiles at Harry

Everyone was just happily tickling Harry's cheeks and saying how adorable he is

"Wait I need to say this or else I'll scream." Sirius says and James looked confused

"Yes Sirius what is it?" You ask as James was rubbing your shoulders right now

"So since I'm his godfather then that makes me his dogfather." Sirius says and James burst out laughing as you let out a sigh

"Dadfoot has arrived." James says so proud of what Sirius just said as you were debating on kicking them out but decided not to

James looks at you as you were holding Harry again now as you couldn't stop smiling at him 'No matter what happens I'll protect my family.'

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