Chapter 23

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James came home and saw you asleep on the couch with fawn he smiles and walks over and takes fawn out of your arms and pulls another blanket over you

James sits down on the armchair and holds fawn as she sleeps

He wraps a blanket around fawn to make sure she doesn't get chilly

He then waits until you wake up which didn't take long

"Hey, love," James says and you smile

"Welcome home." You say and James leans over and kisses your forehead

"You look so beautiful." James says and you smile as James grabs today's daily prophet that he didn't get a chance to read this morning "Ha everyone hates malfoy and no one wants their family tied to him now, so he has to settle with the woman he cheated on you with." James says and James loved how he was more important than Lucius Malfoy now, and more respected

It probably pisses Lucius off and James lives for it

"Well I think we need to put someone to sleep." You say and James nods

"Oh yeah this little cutie needs her nap." James says smiling at fawn as he carefully gets up and walks to her nursery

You watch as he puts her down to sleep

James just smiled at fawn as you pull him out of the nursery

"Let her rest." You say and James smiles

"She's just so cute." James says and you brought him to yours and his bedroom

"I know she is but let her sleep, you want to get barely any sleep tonight?" You ask and James grabs your hips using them to pull you closer to him

"I still want that boob flash you promised." James says and you laugh

"Horny aren't you I'll fix it don't worry." You say and then a laugh was heard behind you both

"Pads what the hell!" James says really not happy he was about to get sex now he'll have to wait even longer

"Hey I came because I wanna see my goddaughter," Sirius says and you and James looked confused

"Sirius your not fawn's godparent why did you think you were?" James asks and Sirius looked shocked

"What? Then who is it?" Sirius says really offended

"We haven't even decided that, but we think y/ns parents or mine." James says and Sirius frowns

"We'll fine my niece I'm here to see her, I've been busy with missions so I haven't had time, maybe I should have stayed away longer." Sirius says and James sighs

"Ok drama queen she's asleep right now, how about you come back tomorrow I'll see you then bye bye uncle Padfoot." James says and he slams the bedroom door and then turns to you "Now boobs please." James says smiling and you chuckle

"Come get them yourself James."

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