Chapter 5

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When you got back Lucius was waiting

The reason you were there was that Lucius wants to use you to get information out of James well Voldemort does, but Lucius asked you too

Which your not doing

"Did you get anything?" He asks and you shake your head

"Not much only that he's in the order but you already know that, getting information is hard." You say and Lucius nods

"Well I don't like how the dark lord wants me to leave you alone with him, but I won't disobey him and listen, your our little spy even if we have Pettigrew, more information he may not get is even better," Lucius says and wait Pettigrew? As in Peter? As in one of James's friends? Is betraying him?

Peter wouldn't would he? Did Lucius accidentally spill something he shouldn't have?

"I got his trust he trusts me, he'll tell me things." You say and really you have Lucius's trust, he will accidentally spill things around you not even realizing he said it, like he just spilled who the rat is in the order, well the rat is a rat who knew

But well you may be able to save some people if you say that Peter is the one who's betraying the order. You could save James from dying if they plan to kill him

"Well good whenever he asks you to go see him you do it, but don't let him touch you." Lucius says and you knew no one would follow you, they trust you too much well Lucius does, which is what you need, Peter is betraying the order well you're betraying the death eaters

"I won't." You say when honestly you wish he would you miss feeling loved so you'd jump at the chance to feel it again, but he's probably moved on and doesn't love you anymore, why would he? You lost his child he should hate you 'I don't deserve love after everything, I guess that's why I agreed to this marriage because I don't think I deserve anything better.'

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