Chapter 41

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It was Halloween and you and James were taking Fawn trick or treating as James's parents watch Harry

"It's ok James we can take care of Harry don't worry, and Sirius is coming over later after him and Remus have their night off correct?" Euphemia says and you nod

"Yes Remus needed a day off so Sirius and him went to a concert I believe, in the muggle world for a band I don't remember." You say as Fleamont pushes you and James out the door

"Enjoy your time, we will see you later fawn ok? Hopefully you'll tell us all about how much fun you had tonight." He says as you and James take Fawn who was dressed up in her costume and really excited to go and get candy


|Sirius's pov|

"How late do you think we can stay out? And how late do you think James and y/n are staying out?" I ask and Remus shrugs

"We'll definitely not past fawns bed time, but they were thinking of dropping fawn off at Lily's place and then going on a date until 12 am so who knows." Remus says and I nod

"Ok so we go back a little after them to seem more cool and like we can stay out longer ha." I say and Remus face palms as I laugh

|Your pov|

Fawn was getting tired so James picked her up and carried her

"I can't wait for Harry and daco to be old enough to come and do this." Fawn says and James smiles

"Me as well." James says as he looks at you basically trying to see if it's drop fawn off and go on the date

"Sure." You say and James smiles happy to get to go on the date he's planned finally


When you and James got home you see Sirius yelling at Hagrid who had Harry as Remus looked like he was about to cry

"Give me my god son now!" Sirius yells trying to grab Harry which Hagrid wasn't giving him Harry

"What's going on?" You ask and Hagrid looks over confused

You walk over and took your son as he was fast asleep

You notice a scar on his forehead that wasn't there before

"James where are your parents? They were watching Harry where are they?" You say and James freaks out and hands Remus fawn as he runs into the house

Hagrid starts explaining Dumbledore asked to take Harry and Fawn

"I don't see why he would need to take my son and daughter, if we were dead Sirius and Remus would be taking fawn and Harry as the godparents, it is written in our will which he would have to read if he knew we were dead." You say and Hagrid starts explaining

"Dumbledore said you and James were dead." Hagrid says and you look confused as you rub Harrys back

"Well we aren't, I don't see why he would think that, especially if we so called just died." You say as you then hear James scream

Sirius and Remus run into your house

You walk in and run to the nursery to see James's parents both dead as James was trying to shake them awake

"Mom! Dad! Please no." James says as he was bawling his eyes out as Sirius comforts James as Sirius was trying to fight back tears but couldn't

You take Harry out and walk downstairs not wanting Harry to see his dead grandparents

You look over the scar on Harrys forehead as fawn was asleep on the couch

"Oh and Hagrid before you go, don't tell Dumbledore we are alive I'd like to talk to him myself, but please tell me where you were supposed to be taking my children?" You ask and Hagrid was obviously very confused on what's going on

"Malfoy manor." Hagrid says and you felt so angry, what? Your son and daughter were to go to Lucius? Dumbledore who knew Lucius malfoy is a death eater was gonna give your kids to him

"Excuse me? He was gonna give my daughter and son to death eaters? Wow so smart." James says plucking the letter Dumbledore wrote for Lucius and Narcissa out of Hagrids hands

And he starts reading it feeling angry

What? How did Dumbledore know Harry defeated Voldemort? So Voldemort is dead and his parents were the sacrifice? James knows they are old but still they didn't deserve to die

Once Hagrid left you showed James the scar

"Isn't that the wand movements for the death curse?" Remus asks and you look it over again realizing it is

So much has happened you don't know how to feel, like James's parents are dead, Harry has this new scar and apparently somehow defeated Voldemort, Dumbledore just tried to kidnap your kids and give them to the malfoys

"I guess we can move back to the main house then." James says not wanting to be here anymore "Now start packing." James says coldly and you hand Sirius Harry and walk after him and hug him which immediately he starts bawling his eyes out again

'We'll leave tonight James can't stay here not with seeing his parents dead, I don't know how Voldemort got past the protective enchantments. What did Lucius malfoy help? He was inside the house a while ago or did dumbledore help so whatever plan he has for my son works, well seems someone has lost their trust in all of us.'

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