Chapter 43

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|5 years later|

"Pads no spit it out." You say as Sirius had eaten some chocolate as a dog and was refusing to give it back

"Pads now!" James yells from the living room and immediately Sirius drops it and runs into the living room, where James was watching as two 5-year-olds play together

It really seems like Lucius and Narcissa just love dropping Draco off for the day and making you both basically raise him because he's here from breakfast to bedtime, sometimes he stays over for a week, as his parents do nothing but sit in their manor and do nothing

"Harry no! You can't run over people with the train." Draco says crying and fawn looks up and laughs at Draco crying "Fawn it's not funny stop laughing." Draco says crying and James picks him up and sets Draco on his lap and hands him a cookie

Immediately Draco stopped crying and just ate the cookie

"Thank you," Draco says and James nods

"Here you go as well har-bear." James says as you walk out and see James petting Sirius with one had "And you Sirius, you get no cookies because you're a bad boy." James says and Sirius growls at James and turns back into Sirius and sits on the couch looking very annoyed

"Why can't uncle Siri eat chocolate as a dog?" Harry asks and James smiles

"Because chocolate is toxic to dogs," James says as James kisses Harry's forehead

"Oh ok," Harry says as Sirius frowns not happy

"We don't even know if it'll affect me as a dog I wanna try," Sirius says and you walk out and sigh

"If you die Remus will be all alone and you don't wanna do that to Remus." You say and Remus had just walked down the stairs and he laughs as he sees Sirius shake his head 'Why is Sirius so into trying to eat chocolate as a dog? I don't get it is it an animagus thing? Probably, it's like how James wants to eat grass and other things stags eat and shine a light in his face and he just stares at it it's hilarious.'

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