Chapter 6

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The next time you met with James at his place, you told him how Voldemort is trying to use you to get information out of him

"Oh, they are huh? Well, I guess I have to give you little things right? So you don't get hurt." James says and he looked scared when he said so you don't get hurt

"Someone has been leaking information in the order right? To death eaters? You all know someone is don't you?" You say and James nods yeah he knows, Lily Evans and her family almost died because their house burned down, Lily said she saw a death eater leave the house as they all returned so she knew it was death eaters that did it, but no one but people in the order knew where Lily even lived

"Yes we do, wait are you saying you know who it is?" James asks and you nod

"Yes I do Lucius accidentally let it slip which he usually does, he's not very smart sometimes, especially since he trusts me so much he accidentally lets stuff he shouldn't tell me." You say and James was so impatient to find out who "You won't like who it is." You say and James was confused but the realization hit him

"It's someone I trust with my life isn't it?" James asks and you nod

"Yes, it is it's one of the marauders." You say and James had to stay strong, thinking of Remus, Sirius and Peter knowing one of them is working with death eaters, he felt disgusted knowing that, like how could one of them do that? Their his friend how could they ever betray him?

"Tell me now," James says extremely upset and just wanting to know who it is, which one of his friends would betray him and everyone else

"Peter." You say and James had to bite his lip to stop himself from crying

He felt so betrayed and upset, Peter his friend betrayed them all?  Almost got Lily and her family killed, got other people in the order killed, how could he?

You hug James who obviously needed one

"I miss you," James says and you missed him too, you missed him so much like it hurts so much

"I miss you too James." You say and James saw more bruises on your skin

He hates how Lucius hurts you, he wants to punch Lucius in the face or curse him and give him the same pain he's been giving you

'I truly can't believe that Peter was the rat, actually, he turns into a rat so I guess it was expected he'd be a rat right? Now I have to tell Moons and Pads about Peter being the rat, and dumbledore as well, but right now I just wanna stay in y/ns arms I missed them so much.'

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