Chapter 6 - Alcohol doesn't stop the pain

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The sun seeped through the holes in the iron door lighting up the room ever so slightly. It was a windy day and Tommy was in the corner of the room, not having moved or done anything in a week or so. His clothes were stained a deep blue and ripped, his shoes were thrown across the room from what was probably a fit of rage. Tommy regretted not remembering to ask Ghostbur to teach him how to go invisible, then maybe he could of left, maybe he could of been back with Phil and Techno. He wished he didn't decide to sleep in the forest that day, he probably could of been with Tubbo right about now, maybe talking things out. Maybe it all being a misunderstanding. Tommy took a big breath in and buried his head into his legs, his eyes were puffy from having cried too much. Just about then a spider came over to Tommy, not attacking him even though it was dark. Tommy opened one eye and looked down at the spider, awaiting its attack, awaiting to respawn but that never happened, instead the spider nudged Tommy's leg, almost as if it was worried. Tommy was surprised and sat upright, leaning against the rough cold obsidian that was the wall. "You're not gonna kill me?", Tommy asked as if the spider could understand him. The spider crawled up his legs into his lap and snuggled itself there making a happy noise before closing it's eyes. Tommy smiled for the first time in weeks, "I shall name you Shroud", he whispered leaning his head against the wall and falling asleep, this time not from exhaustion.

With Ghostbur:

It had been exactly 2 weeks and 1 day since Ghostbur last saw Tommy and he was worried sick. "Are you sure you didn't see Tommy while you were out today?", he asked desperately clinging onto Technoblade's gown. Techno shook his head and shot him a worried look, "Ghostbur no one knows where he is..maybe you should go to Lmanburg and ask if anyone's seen him there", Techno suggested pulling out a potion bottle and inspecting it. The ghost lit up at this suggestion thanking the pig hybrid before running off into the snow.

"I'm sure someone would have seen him!", the ghost thought hopeful as he flew as fast as he could to Lmanburg. He wished he could teleport but he knew it was impossible, or at least he thought it was. He knew he was nearing Lmanburg when he saw all the wooden paths that were made by Tommy. As the country built on a crater came into view he scanned the area for Tubbo, who was seen crying, slumped over on a table holding a beer bottle in hand and sobbing softly with a bunch of papers scattered around him. Ghostbur stopped floating and started running to comfort the sad president.

"Tubbo?! Are you alright? And why are you drinking?!, he shrieked grabbing the bottle out of Tubbo's hands and shoving blue in them. "I'm such a horrible president!", he sobbed, slightly slurring his words, burying his head into his arms. He smelled strongly of alcohol as Ghostbur sat in the seat in front of him, "what do you mean Tubbo? You're an amazing president. Definitely better than I was", he reassured Tubbo, twirling a piece of his hair as he always did when they were younger. "No. No I'm not, i exiled Tommy, I betrayed him! Dream said he ran away! I tried to find him at his exile place but he wasn't there!", he sniffled, crying harder into his arms. Ghostbur wasn't very good at comforting people, it's why he always handed out blue. He decided to not ask Tubbo if he had seen Tommy as this interaction proved to him that he didn't, instead he wanted to comfort the 16 year old to the best of his ability. And ask why he was drinking at this age, drugs are addictive and he didn't want him to be like Schlatt. Ghostbur got up and dragged his chair to be next to Tubbo's, "Tubbo man, I want you to know that no one thinks you're a bad president, and if they do I will make sure they don't by showing them what you've done for the country", Ghostbur softly said hugging the poor boy who hugged back and didn't let go. "Poor Tubbo", he thought, "when was the last time you were treated like a child?". He ran his hands through his brown hair trying so soothe him.

After a minute or two Tubbo had calmed down enough and sat back down onto his chair. "Why were you drinking Tubbo?..", Ghostbur muttered looking at the worn out president who looked down guiltily. "I.. I don't know really. I found this bottle inside Schlatt's box. I was cleaning out his old stuff and wasn't planning on drinking it until I saw something else..", he replied tears in his eyes, and clutching his blue which turned a very deep colour. "Do you wanna share what it was?..", Ghostbur asked looking at Tubbo, smiling slightly. Tubbo sniffled and nodded, handing him a crumpled up paper which he dug out of his pocket. Ghostbur took it and opened it, revealing a younger looking Schlatt with a blue jumper and what looked like to be 4 year old Tubbo sitting happily on his lap. Ghostbur looked up at Tubbo, confused. "He's my dad. It says on a note I found that he left me in the box because he couldn't take care of me anymore.", Tubbo said, his voice cracking. Ghostbur stared at him in shock, he didn't expect Schlatt to be his father. He didn't actually know much about him other than that he was an alcoholic, president and forced Techno to execute Tubbo, his own son. Tubbo got up, "I'm so sorry you had to see me like that", he apologised rubbing his eyes and yawning, "I'm gonna head to bed, cya in the morning Ghostbur!", he shouted running off before Ghostbur could say anything.

"Guess I'll head to the sewer, haven't been there in a while", he thought, getting up and stuffing the picture of Tubbo and Schlatt into his pocket. He walked over to the small hut that lead to his sewers, opening the door and going down the water to be greeted by the familiar iron bar that the water came out of, making a small makeshift waterfall. Smiling, he walked over to the door and walked on to the pressure plate, opening it. His house was a library/brewing area with the brewing stuff on to your left when you enter. There's 3 brewing stands all in a line with a bunch of barrels in the wall next to it. He walked over to the wooden door leading to his small library which had bookshelves on the left and a small cozy fireplace in the corner with a small chair. He grinned before grabbing a book titled "things I remember", and sitting down by the campfire opening it.

Things I remember: by Ghostbur:

-the smell of bread


-The Revolution

-Bullying Tommy (he's a child)

-sparring with Techno as a kid

-the wind

-being president

-people cheering for me

-Fundy growing up


-The van

-Tubbo building everything

-Phil protecting me

-Sally the salmon

-Philza stabbing me to death with a sword

-a large explosion

-the taste of salt

-Air in my lungs

-Winning the election

-a ravine

-Techno's armoury





-I don't know

Ghostbur looked down at the page, quill in hand and added an extra detail

- Jschlatt being my friend

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