Chapter 11 - An old friend

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As the sun leaked through the trees, lighting up the night and casting all the mobs away, Tommy awoke. "Shroud? Are you awake?", Tommy croaked and peeked over to his side, to see an empty bed next to him. The young ghost sat up in his bed and flattened his hair out, "sigh.. hope you're not hurt Shroud",Tommy thought as he stretched and climbed out of his bed.

Tommy looked in all of the spots Shroud would usually be in, but no luck. He sat down and leaned his back against a tree, and cried, oh there he cried for hours.

With Dream and Glatt (continuing)

"Hello Glatt", Dream said in a low voice, leaning his netherite axe on the cobble wall, his eyes were glued on Glatt, who was seen sitting down and doing nothing. "Gah! Oh it's you", Glatt shouted, obviously not having expected any visitors. The ghost turned around and hovered towards Dream, "what do you want? I don't care unless it's a new Spanish school book", he spat, his words slurring slightly. Dream smiled under his mask and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "I heard you have a revive book eh? Give me it.", he firmly shouted. The drunk ghost looked away before turning back to what he was doing, not seeming to care much, "what do I get out of this? Besides why should I give it to you anyway-", Glatt muttered before getting cut off, before he knew it Dream had grabbed him by the collar, his mask flying off his face and hitting the ground, which made the ghost flinch, "I'm not here to play games, Glatt. You give me the book and we won't have any problems", Dream whispered, his eyes glowing a dark red once again, the ghost gulped, "woah woah fine, just- just let me go", Glatt said, giving in. Dream pushed away the ghost and grabbed his mask off the floor, sighing at the chipped off side he throws it back on his face, Glatt stumbled back and fell onto the floor, he was boiling with anger but too drunk to think straight, he reluctantly sat up and went over to an ender chest. A huge grin creaked across Dreams face, "Here.", Glatt muttered, handing Dream a small leather book. "Pleasure doing business with you ghost!", Dream shouted before running up the stairs, leaving Glatt alone once again.

With Tommy

After an hour of crying, Tommy got back up and started heading back to the camp him and Shroud made, when he heard someone shouting his name, "Toms! Toms! Over here there's some people that were looking for you!", Shroud shouted, waving over to Tommy who looked confused, "people?", Tommy thought starting to speed walk back, "could it be Ghostbur?!", he thought starting to run.
Tubbo, Ranboo and Ghostbur all stood nervous to see Tommy again, especially Ghostbur as he already knew the truth about him, when finally Tommy had arrived, but to Ghostburs surprise without his mask on. Tubbo stared in shock and denial as a singular tear slid down his face, he ran and hugged Tommy hoping to let go and see him normal again, the normal cheerful Tommy who was his best friend. He hugged the ghost tightly and weeped into his shoulder, but Tommy didn't hug back, instead he was staring at Ghostbur. "Tommy! What happened to you?! Please tell me this is just one of your pranks!", Tubbo shouted, shaking Tommy by the shoulder, "Tommy?.", Tubbo whispered, letting him go and looking back to what he was staring at, seeing Ghostbur. Ranboo ran over to Tubbo, handing him a tissue and hugging him. Tommy slowly walked up to Ghostbur before starting to tear up,"Ghostbur?.. you actually came to look for me?", he asked, his voice cracking. Wilbur nodded, smiling, "I spent days looking for you, so then I asked Tubbo and Ranboo to help me find you", Ghostbur explained, handing Tommy some blue. Tubbo looked at Ghostbur confused, and a bit mad, "wait.. so you knew about Tommy being like this and never told me?!..", Tubbo whispered, sounding hurt, Tommy looked away, as Ghostbur stared back at Tubbo, "I'm sorry Tubbo, Tommy told me not to tell anyone..", Ghostbur explained, pulling out some blue from his pockets.

Tommy stared at Tubbo, remembering how he exiled him, remembering the amount of confusion and pain he felt as he was dragged away by Dream. Tommy stared with hatred, with so much built up anger and pain, that he snapped. "What do you know?! You have no right to get mad after exiling me, and causing me all this pain! Dream locked me up in his house for 3 weeks, so just shut up would you!", the ghost spat, causing everyone to go silent. Tubbo stared in shock, he hadn't seen Tommy this mad and in pain in a long time, and it hurt knowing it was all his fault. Tubbo slowly started walking towards the now crying ghost, "Tommy I- I didn't know Dream did that to you, I'm so sorry. I know you can't forgive me, but I'll do anything to make up for it", Tubbo whispered, smiling at Tommy. Tommy looked down, " even though I barely remember you, I'll try to forgive you, but I can't make any promises, ok?", Tommy said, putting his hands into his pockets. Tubbo started to tear up and ran to hug Tommy, who smiled and hugged back.

"I missed you so much Tommy", Tubbo choked through his tears,
"I missed you too, old friend", Tommy thought.

The sun had begun to set, as the now reunited benchtrio, Ghostbur and Shroud started to head back to Lmanburg, it was gonna be a long journey but Tubbo was so glad to see Tommy again, but little did they know someone was watching them.

"Stupid Tommy, why did he have to die he was easier to manipulate alive!", Dream thought, punching the tree he was hiding behind, "just wait, and I'll wipe that stupid grin off your face".

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