Chapter 13 - Lingering hope

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Tommy was sitting next to the cliff of his house, his feet dangling motionless over it as he stared off into the setting sun, nibbling on a piece of bread.

"What're you doing Tommy?", Tubbo asked as he came up behind him, a hint of worry in his voice. He leaned against the bench to their left pulling out an axe and started sharpening it, looking down, eager for a response.

"Mm", Tommy shrugged, taking another bite out of the stale bread as Tubbo sighed.

Tubbo frowned at the ghost and looked back down at his axe, "Is this about Dream again? Don't you worry Tommy, he doesn't stand a chance against us, besides we have really good gear", he reassured the ghost, but the worry in his voice was still clear and Tommy noticed.

Tommy looked over at Tubbo and noticed there were deep creases in his forehead, but he couldn't tell if it was because the axe was giving him trouble or because he was worried about the day to come, "Oh come on Tubbo, we don't stand a chance against him, all these nightmares I've been having, I keep seeing you guys die. Without being able to do anything about it. Dream may be crazy and a bit unhinged, but he's a mad genius. He's probably got a plan that's gonna make us suffer or something.", the ghost said quietly as his voice shook with fear.

Tubbo suddenly stopped sharpening his sword, and looked down, "Yeah, that may be true. Dream may be an evil genius maniac but we have a great weapon, and that is not being afraid of him. If we show fear, if we let him make us scared we will never be able to take him down. And that is why we must stay strong, Tommy.", Tubbo said, with such confidence and hope in his voice that the ghost had never seen from him.

Tommy wide eyed and mouth gaping was now staring at Tubbo who gave him a toothy smile before returning to his axe.

Would it really be alright?

Would they be able to defeat Dream?

Or would he overpower them, maybe even killing one of his friends.

Could he hope to live in peace as Ghostinnit one day among his friends and family?

Would Dream finally let him live?

Would he with enough time be able to regain all his lost memories?

He didn't know.

Though he did know he had his friends there with him.

And that's what's most important.

If it was just him Dream wanted, he would be done for.

But he had his friends by his side.

So maybe it'll be ok.

Tommy smiled and stretched, watching the pinks and oranges turn into purples and blacks, Tubbo sharpening away at his side, Ranboo could be seen far away on a cliff chopping down a tree, he was a blur of white and black but the ghost could still see him wave and he waved back, smiling.

He waved Tubbo goodbye and headed back into the comfort of his dirt house, the sun had set and he was ready to go to bed. He opened the iron door to the far left of the room and walked through, smiling at the many images and photos of people he so dearly loved hanging on the wall, he eyed some of them curiously as he obviously couldn't remember being in most of them.

One image in particular caught his eye, it was a very sunny day with what looked like an alive version of Wilbur, "must of been Ghostbur when he was alive then", he thought as he scanned the image. Wilbur was wearing a suit and was wearing a peculiar expression on his face, he looked worried and stressed but was still smiling for the camera.

He continued to look, his eyes landing on his alive version peeking his head up from the bottom of the image, looking as if he also wanted to be there. The ghost was surprised to note his alive version seemed very hyper and energetic and maybe a bit annoying aswell, he wasn't like that, not anymore anyway.

Alive Tommy was also wearing a suit, with sunglasses on his face. He looked in the background of the image and saw they were on a stage of sorts. Quackity was behind them in the background looking annoyed, his hair was styled to the side and he was wearing a suit aswell, with a pair of sunglasses almost identical to Tommy's.

His eyes settled on a man he didn't recognise, but felt familiar. He had light brown hair and white goggles covering his eyes, he wore a blue shirt and stood to the side, looking tired.

The last thing Tommy noticed in the image was a poster that hung in the background, it was a bit blurry but it read:

"Vote POG2020"

Tommy wondered what it meant and stood thinking for a second, before deciding to ask Wilbur in the morning before they set off for Dream. The thought of having to fight Dream made his stomach churn even though he was more confident, he couldn't help being worried about the outcome.

Pushing the thought to the back of his head, he went over to his small but comfortable bed, pulled off the covers and crawled in, snuggling tightly with the blanket wrapped around him, looking over to the images on the wall before drifting off to sleep.

"Tommy", a woman shouted worriedly, making the ground shake beneath him as she ran over to him. The large woman bent down, worry and fear plastered on her pale face.

As Tommy's eyes opened he almost fainted from shock, in front of him a huge woman wearing a large purple looking sun hat with see-through material hanging down from it, her bright purple eyes twinkling down at the ghost. She wore a large purple robe which dragged behind her as she walked, she had beautiful soft golden wings and a golden belt around her waist to match. She had a bunch of jewellery hanging down her hat and on her neck, with a beautiful silver ring on her right hands ring finger. She had very dark purple almost black beautiful wavy hair which reached her waist. Her lips with black lipstick twisted downwards, she looked in a hurry.

"Who-who are you", the ghost stuttered, his eyes wide in shock. The woman sat down which made Tommy shake slightly, he looked up at her, "You don't remember me but my name is Kristen, and I'm your mother and the goddess of death, but there's no time to explain", Kristen hurriedly explained looking behind her before shaking her head, and turned back to Tommy, "Look, I just wanted you to know if you ever need help tomorrow just scream my name, I'm pretty confident you can handle this on your own with your friends but I can't help but worry", she shook her head in disappointment, "Dream has lost himself in power, it's very disappointing really", she sighed and smiled slightly, "Oh my child how you've grown, I haven't seen you since before you moved here, actually I'm not sopoused to be talking to you right now, especially not in your Dreams. If DreamXD found out he'd be furious!", she muttered but must have seen his confused expression, "Oh yes so sorry- DreamXD is the god of this server is all". Seeing the shocked expression on her child's face she laughed and continued, "Don't worry too much about it, beside this whole war thing I wanted to check up on you anyway", she admitted, her face flushing a light red as the ghost smiled at her.

They talked for a while until she suddenly stopped, "Oh! I'm very sorry but I must be off now. DreamXD is probably wondering where I'm at", she said smiling sadly down at her child before she disappeared.

"Goodbye mum", Tommy thought, smiling to himself.

(Hey! I'm so excited to write the next chapter, it'll be a wild ride for sure)

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