Chapter 12 - New trouble

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Fundy was fiddling with a loose string on his jacket as he sat around a small round wooden table with Niki and Quackity, "Do you think they're alright? It's been over a day", Fundy whispered as his ears twitched indicating noise to their left. "I'm sure they're fine", Niki reassured the sad fox , smiling at him.

"And then Tommy and I sat by the house I built him, he was so upset about being exiled, but big brother Wilbur was there to comfort him!", Ghostbur beamed, grinning widely as he threw his hands over the shoulders of Tubbo and Tommy, laughing. Everyone seemed to be a lot happier ever since they reunited, which caught the attention of the trio sitting around the table. Fundy was the first to turn around, spotting Ranboo and Tubbo, with what looked to be Tommy. Niki saw Fundy getting pale and looked at what he was staring at, to see Tommy, but he seemed a bit different, she put her hands over her mouth, tearing up. "What is it guys? Hello?", Quackity asked confused and concerned at his friends' faces, "it's Tommy, and everyone else!", Niki shrieked which made Quackity look over to where, in fact Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Ghostbur all were walking, but they didn't seem to have seen them just yet. Niki was the first to run up to them, embracing Tubbo in a tight hug, "we were so worried! Are you guys ok?! We haven't seen Dream in ages and we thought..", she trailed off as she saw Tommy's confused face, her gut sinking. Her hold on Tubbo slowly loosened as she turned towards Tommy, gulping, "Tommy?.. What- what happened?", she whispered her voice cracking, no one replied. "Guys?..", she said, a desperate look on her face. Fundy and Quackity must of noticed as they ran up to her, "what's going on?" Fundy asked, looking around at everyone choosing to ignore the fact Tommy looked odd.

"Tommy he- he's a ghost.", Tubbo finally sputtered, shooting a sympathetic look in Tommy's direction. He could see Niki's face turn a pale white, her eyes gaping at Tommy's grey, dull appearance as he awkwardly shuffled to avoid his gaze meeting hers. Fundy looked down at his shoes, the relief of his friends being safe already forgotten. Quackity stared at Tommy, then to Tubbo before he finally spoke, "Was Dream behind this?", he simply asked, not much emotion visible in his voice. Ghostbur who kept so quiet that everyone forgot he was there, replied, "Well.. kind of? He didn't kill Tommy but he was very horrible to him", the brown haired ghost muttered, gently floating over to Tommy and patting him on the shoulder before pulling out the blue substance that was dyed a deep blue, some liquid oozing out the side of it, dripping down onto the floor through the gaps in between his fingers. The ghost smiled empathetically at Tommy, shoving the blue into his hands.

"Well, what now?", Niki asked numbly, shuddering from the cold breeze that came with winter. Ranboo, who everyone hadn't realised left came back shouting something they couldn't make out. "Tommy! Tubbo! this is important come with me!", he gasped out of breath, looking deeply concerned and frantic, "Um, alright. Sorry guys we'll be back soon, I promise!", Tubbo quickly said as he dragged Tommy away to wherever Ranboo was taking them.

They hurtled quickly up the steep wooden stairs that lead to Tommy's house, the house was, to their surprise brightly on fire with a wooden chest and a sign on top in the middle of the room. They all made their way to the chest, trying to avoid the flames that crackled in the harsh wind, "What does it say?", asked Tubbo as he almost went toppling backwards right into the fire. Tommy squinted his eyes at the sign

Come see me on Wednesday.
Use the coords left in the chest underneath this message.
Only bring yourself, Tubbo and Ranboo.
If you bring anyone else I will kill them, AND your friends.
- Dream :)

As Tommy read the message, his heart sank more and more. What did Dream want? How did he know he left the house? Is he gonna lock them all up like he did with him? The young ghost felt lightheaded but remembered about the coords, "says something about coords, it's from Dream he wants us to go to him", Tommy whispered loud enough for Tubbo to hear, he tried to hide the fact his voice was shaking and failed miserably. Ranboo nodded anxiously at the door of the dirt shack, Tubbo gulped and walked towards the chest, hesitating before lifting the top off with a creak, inside laid a compass with a small piece of paper stuck to the back of it, ",follow to get to me", it said.

Tubbo dove his hand inside the chest and pulled out the compass in a swift motion, shaking off a spider web as he did so. He looked back, nodding to indicate they can leave the house now.

"How does he expect us to get to him? He gave no coords", Tommy said darkly, slightly annoyed as they all sat on the wooden bench that hung over the cliff Tommy's house was on, "the compass is enchanted to lead us to him Tommy", Tubbo said, like it was very obvious. Tommy shook his head and looked towards the setting sun, taking a deep breath in. Ranboo pulled a random music disc out of the ender chest that laid next to the fence in front of them, he walked over to the jukebox and slipped stall into the jukebox as the familiar tune filled their ears, Ranboo sat back down on the bench and took a deep breath it, "alright. Wednesday is in 2 days so we have time to prepare. We'll gather materials and make armour, does that sound good to everyone?", the tall enderman asked, turning in his spot to look at them. They both nodded, "I'll get a bunch of netherite tomorrow", Tubbo announced, smiling at them both, Tommy sighed, "alright.. but can we please enjoy the sunset for now and worry about Dream later? Today has been a hell of a day.", he said, sliding in the chair into a more comfortable position as everyone fell silent and enjoyed the peace for possibly the last time.

After 10 minutes they all waved goodbye andTommy headed to his bed for the first time in ages, he collapsed in and pulled the blanket over his body. His eyelids were heavy but he couldn't sleep, he was stressing about having to meet with Dream, thoughts about what might happen like his friends dying, him getting locked up again and more. Eventually he drifted off to sleep, only to have a horrible nightmare

Dream darkly chuckled a maniacal laugh as his eyes glued on the small crying ghost on the floor, Tommy was next to Tubbo who had been hit by an axe from Dream. The ghost looked up, "Dream stop this! Please!", he begged, his tears suddenly turning a dark blue as he sat next to his best friends body.

Dream laughed again, and pulled out a leather book, "You're kinda useless and annoying as a ghost, how about I revive you Hm?",  he said, his voice sounding unhinged. Tommy stared, unable to speak as he watched in horror as Dream opened the leather book, flipped through it for a second before stopping and carving his face into a huge grin, he looked down at Tommy and recited something in a strange language, the small ghost could feel himself slipping away from reality, he cried and cried, begging to come back, for Tubbo to wake up, for it to stop.

Tommy snapped awake, "just a dream..", he thought breathing heavily, happy to know that Tubbo was in fact alive and not dead.

(So sorry for being gone for so long! I'm back now and will continue the story! :D )

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