Chapter 9 - The speech

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Tubbo was up quite early preparing some food for the day, he was in a better mood than the day before as he had something to take his mind off the mass destruction that took place. "Hey Tubbo!", Ghostbur shouted, waving at him through the window with Ranboo running behind him to catch up as Tubbo put down his piece of bread and looked up, a smile appearing on his face. Ghostbur burst through the door followed by Ranboo who was out of breath, "Hey Tubbo! We brought a bunch of materials to help out with setting up the speech!", Ghostbur smiled setting a bunch of logs down on the floor. Tubbo nodded and quickly stuffed a loaf of bread into his basket before turning around again, "thank you so much Ghostbur and Ranboo, come on then let's go set everything up!", Tubbo excitedly yelled, picking up two of the logs and walking out the door followed by Ranboo with the bricks and Ghostbur with the rest of the logs.

The huge crater that Lmanburg used to be was filled with people placing down glass so it would be safe to walk across. Many mothers and their children were seen helping to collect sand, while other citizens got furnaces to smelt it into glass, it was a big team effort. Tubbo ran up the hill next to the crater and scanned the area for a good spot to build when he spotted a small waterfall, motioning Ghostbur and Ranboo to follow he sprinted across the already built glass, dodging any big holes in the ground as the wind went whooshing past his ears. "Wait up Tubbo!", Ranboo shouted laughing and running to catch up with him as Ghostbur floated to keep up. "I told you to wait!", Ranboo complained out of breath, slouched on a big piece of rubble that didn't get blown up. Tubbo smiled and walked up to the waterfall, trying to think of where to start building.

"We should build it here", Ghostbur suggested pointing to a raised cliff that the waterfall was falling from, Tubbo looked to where he was, nodding an approval before walking over to the ghost with two logs balancing nicely on his shoulders, "yeah this seems like a good location, good job Will", Tubbo huffed as he placed the two logs down and reached to rub his sore back. "Want me and Ghostbur to start setting everything up while you take a break?", Ranboo chimed in as he had noticed the fact that he was exhausted already, "yeah that would help out a lot, thanks guys I'll be back in a second!", and with that Tubbo ran off to who knows where. Ranboo and Ghostbur got to setting up the platform so Tubbo can give his speech, with Ghostbur raising the logs up and Ranboo hammering them into the ground, they made a pretty good duo.

30 minutes later

"Alright and the microphone, that should be all! We're done!", Ghostbur beamed and looked over at Tubbo excitedly, "thank you so much, alright come on up here it's time to get serious", Tubbo replied with a low voice and got up onto the platform, followed by the ghost and the enderman.

"Alright everyone! Is this thing working?", Tubbo shouted tapping on the mic, his voice blasting around and bouncing off the bedrock that was underneath them. Everyone stopped making glass and looked up, whispers erupting between them as they looked up confused, "I know you're all probably confused, but since Lmanburg's destruction a lot of people have been left homeless, and grieving for their losses. I understand how everyone must feel but please do give this a listen", Tubbo suggested looking the citizens in the eyes and smiling, most people seemed curious and interested, some mad and some crying. Tubbo looked at Ranboo who nodded and stepped up to the microphone, "hello everyone, as you may all know Lmanburg was attacked and sadly lost yesterday. We are very sorry for all the horrors you've had to see", Ranboo apologised as everyone nodded, "we have come to the decision that Tommy will be un-exiled from Lmanburg, as the country sadly is gone now, there's no point in him being gone aswell", Ranboo explained, a smile appearing on his face. The citizens didn't take this information well as they all started booing, one man spat, "he's such a little devil! I finally had some peace and quiet with him gone!", another woman added, "he used to steal my sugar, that pesky little rascal!", she shouted. Ranboo shot his head back and looked at Tubbo and Ghostbur, with an expression that asked for help. Ghostbur looked down then back up, he nodded and took the microphone out of Ranboo's hands and stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Everyone stop! Stop and listen!", he snapped staring at the citizens who finally shut up and looked up to see what Ghostbur had to say, "you're all complaining about these small things he did, when you're forgetting one tiny detail. He was a child and still is! Who fought in a war for our country? Him. Not you. He sacrificed his life for our freedom, and that's something that everyone should respect, he deserves to come back here, and we won't be listening to your stupid grudges all day because we have places to go and things to set up! So shut up and listen to what Ranboo has to say!" he scolded the citizens of Lmanburg who all stared in shock, they've never seen Ghostbur this mad before. Tubbo looked shocked but proud, patting Ghostbur on the shoulder and smiling, Ranboo grabbed the microphone and continued his speech, "anyway, as I was saying before I got interrupted. We will be opening a graveyard and burying everyone who died, we will hold a huge funeral for them, plus a new bakery is opening soon! If you're all interested in some pastries ask Ghostbur about it after everything is announced. Now back to Tubbo", he announced, to which only a few nods were seen, they were probably afraid of Ghostbur now.  Ranboo stepped back and off the small makeshift stage and walked down into the crowd, "thank you Ranboo, alright everyone! We are gonna be building a hotel soon to tackle the homeless problem. Staying at the hotel is free for your first month, which should be enough time for everyone to fix their financial problems, if you have any problems with this come talk to me after wards", he advised and smiled. The citizens all seemed very happy with this, which made Tubbo relieved, they can be a pain sometimes.

(After announcing some final bits that aren't too important)

"And that's about all everyone! Thank you for being patient you can go back to what you were doing", Tubbo said, climbing off the small wooden stage and running off to greet the others. "Hey Tubbo, we really nailed that didn't we", Ranboo asked, smiling as Ghostbur nodded, "yeah.. we sure did", he replied, remembering everything that had happened the day before, he had completely forgotten.

With Dream

Dream ran through the SMP, not stopping to look back. He needed to find Glatt, the ghost of Jschlatt who was usually seen underground working out, or trying to learn Spanish. Dream didn't know where underground though, but he did know someone who did.

"Quackity.", he whispered
"Dream.", he replied, confused.

"I've heard you know where Glatt is? Could you take me to him", he asked, obviously out of breath. Quackity stared at him, almost as if he was expecting a trap, he continued to stare for a good five minutes, studying his face, "...I suppose I could, what's the occasion?", he asked still staring. Dream kicked a pebble and smirked, "oh nothing special", he simply replied, though Quackity knew something was up. "This way, follow me", he instructed, to which Dream nodded and off they went.

(Cliffhanger I guess, hope you enjoyed!)

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