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Bill's dream is a bunch of lines from Pocket God Comics edited to fit the story, so I don't own anything till the closing asterisks.
A Bill dressed in white sat behind Bill. "You don't have to do this you know. You don't have to be what the other demons want you to be." He said. "Who said that? There's not supposed to be anyone else here!" The regular Bill exclaimed. "You know that's not true. You know I'm always with you. Dream demons still have consciences." Bill's good side said. "Don't listen to him! We are a new race of demon! We don't need a goody-goody like him bossing us around!" A demon wearing black said. "You aren't real! Neither of you are real!" Bill said, trying to shut them out. "The pain is real. The suffering too. Is that what you want for the rest of your life? Do you want the only emotion you know to be agony?" The Bill wearing the black suit asked. "You could know friendship. You could know love." The other Bill pointed out. "And with those only come disappointment and heartache." The evil Bill argued. "How would you know unless you opened yourself up to them? If you asked the Pines for help I'm sure they would extend their hands." The Bill wearing white said. "Maybe long ago, but not now. Not after all the hurt you've caused. Face it, you only have one choice here. You destroy them, or they will destroy you." The Bill wearing black said. "I just want peace." Bill said sadly.
"That isn't a possibility for us." The evil Bill said. "Do you need a reminder?" The black wearing Bill asked. He pulled up a memory. Bill was only 109 years old. He was sitting on the grass with a pale girl. She had eyes the color of cinnamon and raven hair. They looked about seventeen. "Amelia." The regular Bill whispered. "C'mon! Let's go ride the horses!" Bill exclaimed, tugging Amelia's sleeve. Amelia laughed. "William, I can't. I have chores, and I can't ride in my nice dress." Amelia said. Bill sighed. "Hey, you're magic, aren't you! Why don't we make a deal and you can magically do my chores and snap me into a rattier dress?" Amelia said.

Bill shook his head frantically. "I'm young, Amelia. I can't choose the outcome of my deals yet, and the other demons are cruel." Bill pleaded. "William, please! Don't you have a wish? Something in it for you so we can make the deal?" Amelia begged, not knowing how serious Bill was. Bill kept refusing. Amelia begged and pleaded, convinced it would do no harm. Eventually Bill shouted, not thinking that the demons would count it as his wish. "I wish you weren't able to make deals!" Amelia shook his hand before he could react. Suddenly she was in a ratty dress. "Wow! See, nothing went wro-" Amelia began, starting to choke. "No!" Bill shouted, catching the falling girl. Her eyes started to roll back in her head. "No more deals for me..." Amelia managed. Bill shook her. "Don't leave me! Please Amelia, you're too young!" Bill screamed. "Bill, I love you. Let me-" She choked, "-go. It's my own fault." Bill was sobbing. "NO!" He said as he felt life leave his love.

Bill became suddenly enraged. His clothes turned red. His hands became engulfed in flames. He began burning down the forest. "I'M BURNING DOWN THE FOREST! I'M BURNING DOWN THE FOREST AND YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN CARE! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING! I FIGURED THIS OUT REAL QUICK WHEN YOU...TOOK...AMELIA!" Bill shouted, burning thousands more trees when he said Amelia's name. "SHE DESERVED TO LIVE! SHE DESERVED TO LIVE MORE THAN ANY OTHER WORTHLESS HUMAN ON THIS INSIGNIFICANT PLANET BUT YOU KILLED HER!" Bill screamed. Everything was either flaming or ash now. The only things that remained untouched were Bill and Amelia. He scooped her up and held her in his arms. Later that week it was concluded that widely beloved Amelia breathed in too much smoke in the fire caused by Bill Cipher. He was hung for his crimes.

"Turn it off!" Bill begged his evil form. "You see? We may never have peace. Love is a horrible thing. Like a jewel coated in poison, some think it is beautiful, but you must realize it will cause pain and death." His evil side said. Bill looked convinced. "He's wrong. Love something few people find. It warms them, keeps them safe, teaches them, gives them hope. Love is not a tool of destruction and heartbreak. It is happiness. That is the reason we demons twist it to make it look cruel and unforgiving. Demons hate joy, kindness, hope, and truth. Love is all of those things, which is why demons despise it." The good Bill said.

"Bill...please...no!" A whimper woke Bill with a start. "Shooting Star?" Bill asked as he watched the girl tossed and turned. "Help...dying...don't leave..." She mumbled. Bill wondered if he should go into her Dreamscape. "Since it's without consent, it won't fulfill her side of the deal..." Bill mumbled to himself. Against his better judgement, Bill went into the girl's mind.

Bill stumbled blindly in the world of sparkles and bright colors. Once his eye adjusted he saw two brightly colored young men. "Welcome to Mabel Land! We'll be your tour guides today!" The boys said in unison and high-fived. Bill tried to back away, but Xyler shoved him forward. "On your left you'll see Mabel's happy memories." Craz said, pointing to a door with a happy face on it. They entered through it. There were doors labeled Dipper, Stan, Soos, Wendy, Candy, Grenda, Mom and Dad, even one that said Pacifica, but he couldn't find one labeled 'Bill'. His shoulders sunk a bit, but he continued on. "Here are her sad memories," the tour guide said, gesturing to a door marked with a sad face, "her angry memories," he said, pointing to a red door marked with a mad face, "her disgusting memories," he said, referring to a door marked with a green face throwing up, "her fearful memories," he said, pointing to a door marked with a scared face, "and last but not least her romantic memories." Xyler said, pointing to a pink door with a heart. Bill's eyes lit up.

He attempted to open the door. "It's locked." Bill stated. "Well duh. Mabel only wants certain people seeing those memories." Craz said. "Can I see them? The name's Bill Cipher." He said. "NOPE!" Xyler said. Bill was a bit miffed. "She agreed to let me go into her Dreamscape but she won't let me into all of the rooms!" Bill exclaimed. "Cool it bro!" Xyler said. Bill calmed down. "Where can I look at her current dream?" He asked. "Right this way!" Craz exclaimed. The eventually arrived at Dream City.

Bill watched the current dream with interest. Mabel was a sickly pale. "Please don't leave Bill. I need to stay alive for Dipper and Pacifica...and Stan's barely hanging onto life. Please help me." The dying girl begged. "Sorry Shooting Star. All stars die eventually!" Dream Bill exclaimed all too perkily. "Please Bill! I'll do anything! Anything!" Mabel begged. Dream Bill smiled evilly. "Become a dream demon with me." Dream Bill said. "What?" Mabel asked. "You heard me. C'mon! Eternal life, and you can protect your family while they're alive..." Dream Bill began. "Wait, while they're alive?" Mabel asked, confused. "Well of course you're going to outlive all of your family and friends. But you'll have me!" Dream Bill told her. "No one but me." He said. "No one but you..." Mabel said, as if in a trance. "Just you and me." Dream Bill said. "No! I won't! I can't!" Mabel exclaimed. "Oh well. I tried." Dream Bill said. He snapped his fingers and disappeared. Suddenly Mabel's eyes began to close. She took a final shaky breath and life left her.

Bill wanted to jump into the dream and bring her back to life, and tell her he wouldn't ever leave her. He wanted to hop into the dream and hold Mabel close. But he promised himself he wouldn't get attached. Suddenly the world rippled. Bill cursed. "She's waking up!" He muttered. He snapped his fingers and with a flash of blue light he was back in his physical form.

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