Ruining the Romance and a New Friend

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Bill was just walking, looking at buildings he had gone to with Mabel. He kept asking himself, Is that a trigger memory? at each one. He noticed Pacifica Northwest's mansion. She disgusted him. Always so rude to everyone, especially Mabel. Then what does Dipper do? He goes and dates her, completely forgetting about his sisters feelings, the selfish brat. Just then he noticed the boy standing outside of her window, guitar in hand. Looks like Pine Tree finally figured out how to woo a girl. Bill thought. He blinked. Wait, if they're relationship strengthens then Shooting Star will get hurt! Bill thought angrily. With this thought in his head he stalked over and stole Dipper's guitar. (Bill=bold italics, Dipper=regular italics)

"You don't matter, you're a
fake." Bill sang. Dipper snatched back his guitar, knowing he needed to come up with something quickly or she'd leave. "Hey, everyone makes mistakes!"But not you 'cause you're perfect."
"You made her feel worthless.
You only care about yourself."
"Would you at least try to help?"
"I won't be lying."
"You're going to send her home crying."
"She deserves to after what she's done!"
"Are we talking about bad stuff 'cause she isn't the only one. I seem to recall you doing bad things before. I know you have skeletons behind your closet door."
"Okay, it's true. I'm not innocent like you. We all have our imperfections. We can't always go in the right directions. But she's done more than I can take! She's another in the chain of the world's worst lakes!"
"Okay, that's enough! Sure she's done bad stuff, but you have too! And we were talking about you. You try to escape all of your mistakes. You can't run away from the havoc that you've caused. And you can't just ignore the people that you've lost." Dipper finished.

Pacifica ran down her stairs and threw herself into Dipper's arms. He caught her (barely) and swung her around. "That was like, really romantic." She said, blushing a bit. Dipper was blushing too, and for awhile they just stared at each other until Bill coughed awkwardly. He was ticked off for two reasons; one, they were still together, and two, they were happy and Bill wasn't.

He had already tried singing, but that hadn't worked. What else can I try? Bill asked himself. He passed the fair Stan had set up recently, as it had been a month since he last had opened it. Bill then remembered: Waddles had been won from the fair. Maybe he could get her something else here and she would love him again! Bill searched for awhile. Nothing looked worthy of Mabel. He was about to give up when he saw something flee into the woods. He ran after it, hoping it would be something Mabel would love. He walked slowly when he reached the woods, not waning to scare it. When he saw it, he had no clue what it was. It looked like a bush baby...owl...squirrel...thing. While it was unusual, it was cute. Though in comparison to its environment, it wasn't that strange. Bill had never been in this part of the woods before, and he had been everywhere in this forest. Strange purple trees dotted the blue forest floor. Magenta bushes were here and there. Suddenly something emerged from the bushes. The creature Bill had found scampered away. The new creature was black, with purple antlers and hostile golden eyes. It was bigger than the other creature, but only reached Bill's ankle.

"Awww, aren't you cute!" Bill said, reaching down to pet the small creature. It looked at him warily, as if Bill were the one to fear. Then, as soon as Bill picked it up, it bit him. Bill writhed in agony. " not...hilarious!" Bill exclaimed with clenched teeth. Not only did the razor sharp teeth cause him distress, but he didn't know that a fatal poison was coursing through his veins now, slowly killing him. Bill fell to the ground, his eye closing for what seemed like it would be the last time. "Goodbye, Shooting Star." He said, looking up at the sky. And with those as his final words, Bill's soul left him forever.

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