Truth Or Dare

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Mabel opened her eyes. It was still dark out. She groaned. "I shouldn't be awake this early." She complained. Her stomach rumbled. "I shouldn't be hungry either! I wonder if we have frozen pancakes..." Mabel thought, stepping out of bed and onto Bill. Bill was shivering and was missing his pillow. He was also drooling all over the floor. Mabel draped a blanket over him and gave him a pillow. She walked downstairs and looked at the calendar. Her eyes lit up when she saw Grenda and Candy were spending the night today. She ate her food and walked back upstairs. She hit the bed and promptly fell asleep again.

~~Later that day~~
"Morning Shooting Star!" Bill said, grinning ear to ear. The beautiful girl paid him no attention. "Um, I said good morning." Bill said, slightly ticked off. He looked around the room, and saw she had disappeared. "How...?" Bill wondered. Mabel squealed. Then Bill noticed all the stuff around the room. "Oh no..." Bill said, realizing too late what was happening. He attempted to climb out the window, but Mabel caught him with her grappling hook. "SLEEPOVER!" All three girls exclaimed. "Nooo." Bill complained. "Yesss!" Mabel said excitedly. "Please Bill?" Mabel said with pleading eyes. Bill sighed. "Fine." He agreed grudgingly. "Yay!" Mabel squealed. "First we should play truth or dare!" Grenda said in her deep voice.

"Yes!" Candy exclaimed. She pulled out a deck of cards. One pile said 'Truth' while the other read 'DARE'. They all sat down excitedly. Bill remained standing. "No chance, no way. I won't do it, no. No!" Bill said as he was pulled down. "Give up! Give in!" Mabel said. Bill sat, frown on his face. "Truth or dare Bill?" Candy asked. "Dare." He said, thinking he could take it. "I dare you to..." Candy began, drawing a dare card. "Sing Babaa's Disco Girl in the living room." Candy finished. Bill blushed. "I don't even know the lyrics." He lied. "Just try!" Mabel exclaimed. He went downstairs and sang it perfectly.

"Sounds like you've practiced!" Candy shouted when he came back up. He blushed. "My turn." Bill said. "Grendo, truth or dare?" Bill asked. "Truth!" She shouted. "Um...all answer? What does that mean?" Bill asked. "It means we ALL ANSWER!" Mabel squealed with excitement. "Ohhhh. Okay, who was your first crush?" Bill asked. "WHATEVER I KISSED IN THE CLOSET!" Grenda exclaimed. "Chubby Z!" Candy said. "A bunch of gnomes." Mabel said flatly. Bill gulped. "Amelia." He said.

Mabel pursed her lips. She had hoped it was her, but that was silly. It was unfair to be upset with him. Besides, he had been around thousands of years. She was probably dead anyways. Still, Mabel couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy. She shook the thought of this Amelia person out of her head. "So, who's Amelia?" Mabel asked. Alright, maybe she didn't completely forget about Amelia. "Um, ya know, just an old friend." Bill said, blushing furiously. "Oh, tell us more!" Grenda exclaimed in her deep voice.

"Well...she was pale. Her raven hair was like silk." Bill began. Mabel scowled when she heard that he knew what Amelia's hair felt like. "Her eyes were the color of cinnamon. Her teeth were whiter than snow and perfectly straight." Bill continued. Mabel's hand self-consciously flew to her braces-filled mouth. "Not a blemish was on her face. She was thin and athletic." Bill said, a dreamy look settling upon his face. Mabel couldn't help but think about how she knitted instead of running track or playing basketball. "She-" Bill started. He saw that Mabel looked upset. "You okay?" Bill asked. "Yeah, but some Doritos made me sick." she said, getting up to leave. Bill was confused. What did he do wrong? "Um, I'm getting tired. Goodnight." He said, going to Soos' break room. The girls bid him goodnight and he slept, dreaming of Mabel and Amelia.

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