Pacifica's Dance (Pt. 2)

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Mabel gulped as she saw the big doors that led to Pacifica's house. "What, are you scared Shooting Star?" Bill teased. "What? Me? No!" Mabel said. The doors were opened by a bald man in a suit. "Name?" He asked. "Mabel Pines." Mabel said. "Go straight, take two rights, one left, straight, right." He said. "Thank you..." Bill said. "Alfred." The butler said. "Alfred." Bill finished. We went down the hallway in silence. "Hey Sparkle Face." Pacifica said when they got to the party room. The disco ball hung over the dance floor. "Her name is Mabel, Big Hair, Big Mouth." Bill said. Mabel stifled a laugh. "Humph. I almost considered going out with you." Pacifica said. "I would've said no anyway. I'm taken." Bill said, slipping his arm around Mabel. Goosebumps went up her arms for 'no apparent reason'.

They walked over to the punch bowl together and stood there awkwardly. "Well come on, are we gonna dance or what?" Mabel asked, getting impatient with the dream demon. "I don't dance." Bill stated, taking a sip of his punch. "What?! We spent all that time practicing, and you say that you don't dance?!" Mabel exclaimed, agitation evident in her tone. "Yeah, but it was just the two of us. There are tons of people here." Bill said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom." The former triangle said. Mabel crossed her arms and sat down. Triple Baka, her favorite song (she couldn't understand the words, but she loved it anyways) began to play, but she had no partner. It was unnecessary, but it would've been nice.

"May I have this dance?" A phony Southern accent asked the Pines girl. "Gideon? I thought you were in prison!" Mabel exclaimed. "They let me out for tonight thinking that the good citizen's attitudes would rub off on me." He said, taking a step closer to the girl. Mabel stepped away from the sociopath. "Why Mabel! Don't be scared! I wouldn't hurt a hair on your pretty little head." Gideon said, reaching out his hand to touch her hair (which she slapped away). "That rotten family of yours on the other hand..." The former physic said, his voice trailing off. "Don't you dare touch them!" Mabel exclaimed. "They got in the way of us!" Gideon exclaimed. "There was no us!" Mabel retorted. "It's worse than I thought! They brainwashed my peach dumplin' to think I'm the bad guy!" Gideon exclaimed. Mabel then noticed the bolo tie he was wearing. Sure, he wore a fake sometimes, but this looked real. As if he had read her mind, he levitated a cup over to her. "Punch?" He asked her.

She shook her head, unable to respond. "Oh...well, who wants to see Dipper act like a fool? Not that he needs any help." Gideon said, levitating the boy. He whacked Pacifica, who was sitting next to him, as he strode onto the dance floor. "What's happening to you Dip?" The blonde asked. "I don't know Cifica!" He exclaimed in worry. "Cifica?" Mabel asked under her breath. Dipper face planted on the floor, and Mabel decided Gideon had done enough. "Listen! I'll dance with you if you stop messing with my family. If you mess with them with the rest of the night, I will make you regret it." Mabel stated. "Deal!" Gideon said, extending his hand. As she reached out for it reluctantly, the chorus of the song played. "Baka baka baka!" The speakers played. She remembered the day when Dipper told her that translated in to English, it meant stupid. Was this a sign that she was making a stupid decision?

Just then, Bill walked up. "Is this kid bothering you Shooting Star?" He asked. "And who might you be?" Gideon spat at the demon. "Name's Bill." He said, putting out his hand for Gideon to shake. Unaware that there was a joy buzzer on his hand Gideon shook it. As he was electrocuted, Bill laughed his head off. "Wait a minute...It's you!" Gideon exclaimed. Bill's face suddenly became fearful an pale. "Um..." Bill stated, trying to find words.

Gideon yanked him aside, an angry look on his face. "Listen to me demon! I don't know what you did to my pumpkin, but she thinks I'm the bad guy!" Gideon exclaimed. "Shooting Star already hated you Short Stack." Bill said, examining his nails. "Lies!" Gideon exclaimed. Bill rolled his eye. "If that's what you want to believe." Bill said. "Anyhow, I want my dumplin' to love me again." Gideon stated. Bill was about to turn him down, but stopped himself. I mean, what could it hurt? It's not like he cared for the girl. It was just a deal and nothing more. "Deal." Bill said, extending his hand without the joy buzzer. It was engulfed in blue flames, but Gideon was unfazed. He shook the demon's hand. "I'll tell you what I want later. Right now let's just get back to Shooting Star." Bill said. The two boys walked off, both thinking they had the better end of the deal.

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