-The beginning of Death-

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"Let's do some icebreakers then

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"Let's do some icebreakers then." The man with an arrow through his neck told the group of other dead people. Your head was in your knees as you sobbed, your family had just witnessed your death and were calling the police and ambulance to save you from the wood and rubble of the collapsed floor. You'd just died. You couldn't believe it, there was an afterlife and you were stuck with a couple of dead people who couldn't do anything if they tried, couldn't comfort another being for the life of them.

"My name is Y/N." You sniffled, wiping your eyes and looking at the other ghosts. They all introduced themselves with their name and their favourite colour. Julians, the trouserless tory, was blue. Robin the cavemans was brown. Kitty's was Pink.

"Do you feel any better after that?" Patrick asked, you didn't reply. You couldn't, you were still in shock. "Take your time, dear." He told you, waving to the others to leave you. They all slowly walked out of the room, you still felt someone watching you sob violently.

"I was like this on my first day too, if that makes you feel any better. We all were really. It's completely normal to be in shock for a few days." The ghost told you, you didn't respond or even look up until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You flinched away from who you knew was the Captain, his favourite colour was red, he took his hand away.

"Just leave me alone. You're not real." You affirmed yourself, hoping that you were just dreaming or in a coma that you'd soon wake up from and see your mother smiling at you.

"I am real, unfortunately. The living just can't see us. If you ever need me, I'll just around the house, alright?" He told you, you nodded to get him to leave you alone. He walked away, going to find the other dead people.

"They aren't real. You're just in a coma, or you're dreaming, they aren't real." You whispered to yourself, in the room that was very real, in a house that was very real, on a couch that was very real.

Maybe you'd gone insane, these were all the people in your head and they'd come to torment you with a stupid joke...but they were real people, Julian Fawcett MP, he was a real person that you'd seen on TV before. Maybe he'd just come in your mind because he was the most obscure person you could think of.

After a few hours, you'd come to conclusion that you were just in a coma after the accident, and you'd wake up in a few hours. You stood up and saw the police arrive at the house with your mother sobbing by the officers side. They were quick to investigate the scene, your body laying on the floor.

"I hate to inform you ma'am...they're dead." The officer broke the news to your mother. She screamed, a heart wrenching scream that echoed through the whole house. She fell to the floor near your body and cried.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." She screamed, your father kneeling by her side and crying silently. You tried to hug her but you just fell straight through her, making you feel physically ill. You felt an arm on your shoulder as you hit the ground.

"There's nothing you, or any of us, can do, I'm sorry." The Captain spoke softly and calmly, sorrow in his voice. You didn't move, you just stayed in the same position as your mother was hushed out of the building for her sake.

"So I'm stuck here...forever?" You asked, your breath shaking and quick.

"Yes...you may move on but I think we'd all prefer if you stayed." Captain told you, kneeling down next to you, his joints cracking.

"I'm dead..." You whispered, admitting the final truth that you'd have to live with, not live with forever.

"We'll try and make it worthwhile, alright? Shall we go and see the others?" He asked, rubbing his hand on your back to calm your crying. You nodded slowly, he stood before you and helped you up, your body shaking.

He walked you upstairs, holding your hand so you wouldn't panic again. You felt comfortable around him, you hadn't even known him for 24 hours but he'd helped you realise what death really was in that short period.

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