-I wish you were dead-

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You sat in the library, reading Macbeth

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You sat in the library, reading Macbeth. You'd lived in Button house with your cousin, Alison and her husband, Mike, for almost a year now. This was your favourite room in the house, the library.

"Hello, Sir Y/N." Thomas had entered behind you. You turned and smiled and the man. "What are you reading today?" He asked.

"Macbeth. I know you're familiar with Shakespeare." He'd sat on the chair next to you, peeking over the lamp to read the book. Soon, Robin, Pat, Julian and the Captain had entered and crowded around you to read the book.

"Me can not read." Robin said. You giggled, marking the page and closing the book.

"What are you doing? Open that book right now!" Thomas exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Thomas, I can't really concentrate when you're all breathing down my neck. Metaphorically, Captain." You reply, stopping the Captain from correcting you. The others seem to glance at each other when they noticed Captains presence. You stood up and tried to place the book on the bookshelf. You couldn't reach.

You turned around angrily, you pulled the chair to the bookshelf and stood on it. You put the book in its place next to Romeo and Juliet and Twilight. You stood down and pushed the chair back.

"You are small, aren't you?" Julian said, you huffed and walked around him.

"Well now, that's not fair is it?" Pat joked, you laughed as you were taller than Pat. You walked to the other side of the library to the door, opening it but being halted by the Captain.

"May I speak to you, Y/N?" He asked, you looked up to him and smiled.

"Of course." You responded. You'd always liked the Captain, he was less trouble after he got used to you all. He was always nice to you.

He walked out and hushed you to follow. You ran up to him and followed him . He went all the way to main hall. You tried to keep up with him but he was way faster than you.

"Right. Well. The others have decided to take yet another...break from me." He explained, you nodded along with his words.

"Because you're bossy?" You asked, he paused. "Sorry. I've been hearing them do impressions...of you today. Always negative, totally inaccurate."

"Of course they have. Those idiots don't know how to lead for the life of them." He groaned about the other ghosts for a few minutes. You laughed and smiled, you were focused on the face of a man who'd been dead for a few 80 years.

"Well, it seems that you need time from them all aswell. You always have me." You smiled, he tried to put his arm on your shoulder but he fell straight through. You sighed.

"I wish you were dead, not in a rude way, so we could be truly...connected." He said, you smiled at him, blushing at his words. You loved the Captain, he was wonderful company around the house, but he was dead.

"I wish you were alive, or I was alive when you were." You told him, making him smile. He didn't laugh but he sure did smile, a smile that was worth a thousand sunsets that no one could even see. He stared at you for a few moments, making awkwardly prolonged eye contact with you. "Are you turning into Thomas, Captain?"

"What? No, of course not!"

You sat watching TV with Alison and Mike, watching The Avengers with the Ghosts. "God, is it hot in here or is it just me?" You panted in the boiling room.

"It's just you." Captain said, not thinking about what he was saying. Alison choked on her popcorn and stared at him.

"What?" You and Alison asked in unison.

"What?" He didn't notice he'd even said anything wrong. The other ghosts just looked at him. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes!" Alison shouted, causing Mike to hit her.

"What's going on?" Mike asked as you stared blankly at Captain.

"Captain just called Y/N hot." Alison explained, you smirked at Captain and winked, turning around with the biggest smile.

"God, I wish you were dead." He mumbled, crossing his arms and focusing back on the TV but occasionally glancing back to you.

A/N: *Gasp* 2 updates in one day?!?? I'm spoiling you! Jk ofc Lee's feeling motivated today 😫

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