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Tw// Suicide mention :)

Poltergeist /ˈpɒltəɡʌɪst/NounNoun: Poltergeist; Plural noun: poltergeistsa ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as making loud noises and throwing objects about

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Noun: Poltergeist; Plural noun: poltergeists
a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as making loud noises and throwing objects about.

This was only half true.

Yes. Poltergeists are ghosts who are supposedly responsible for physical disturbances. But they weren't normal ghosts. They're suicides, people who have killed themselves because they believe that their life isn't worth living, in death they shall realise that the afterlife is even worse.

Poltergeists can physically interact with the living world. They can seamlessly move and throw around objects, they can make noises if they pleased, they could be seen by the living eye if they tried hard enough, flickering lights. They could also haunt objects, people, other ghosts, animals. Another interesting perk is being able to fly and float in the air, like a stereotypical ghost would. Some Ghosts had been gifted a few of these powers, no one knew why, all they knew was that it was much harder to do than Poltergeists.

A Poltergeist is all you'd want in a house full of Ghosts and two living people, one can see the dead. And they were lucky to have one.

"Good evening, Alison." You floated around her as she walked into the common room.

"Evening, Y/N." She yawned, she'd only just got back from work, you could tell that she was exhausted.

"You seem tired, go get some rest." You encouraged her, she shook her head adamantly in response.

"Too much work. Gotta fix the leaking pipes everywhere." She groaned, wishing she could just have a break. You thought about what you could do for her which wasn't much.

"What if I posses you?" You asked, you'd barely ever done it before, you were trained enough to do it well but it was worth giving a try. "It'll put you straight to sleep and I can fix the pipes." Her eyes widen.

"Would you?" She replied sweetly.

"Of course, just stay still, close your eyes and breathe." You instructed, she followed your words and was calm. "It'll feel a bit strange at first." You took a deep breath in and merged with her. It felt disgusting, like you were wearing a flesh suit. "You alright, Alison?" You asked.

"Yeah..." She yawned, immediately falling asleep. You were sharing a body now, both of your voices hers.

You began fixing the pipes, the weight of another soul on your shoulders. "Alison, what are you playing at? All that banging is ruining our night." You didn't answer the Captain at first, not being used to your body.

"Oh, I'm not Alison." You smiled, tightening the cold metal.

"What do you mean?" He asked, he was clearly talking to Alison Cooper.

"It's Y/N. Alisons asleep, I'm just possessing her body so she can finish fixing this house up." You hopped down from the ladder, the dripping had stopped in that place, but was louder in another.

"Well...do it quietly." He ordered, you saluted and patted his back. Alisons body patted his back. He smiled, actually feeling her hand on his coat. She'd made his time here slightly more worthwhile.

"Oh, Alison! I wish I could help with those blasted pipes but sadly I cannot." Thomas told her, you looked down to him and smiled awkwardly. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk later?"

"Not now, Thomas." You told him, jumping down from the ladder, picking it up and walking down the stairs to the boiler room. You bumped into Thomas.

"I feel you!" Thomas gasped, holding her hand.

"Oh, I'm n-"

"Did you kill yourself for me? Oh my darling Alison, we can live eternity together." He pulled you in closer, trying to kiss you.

"Thomas!" You yelped, his grasp tight around you. You were pulled back by another person. Captain grabbed you as your body fell to the ground and Alison was awoken, Thomas in front of her face.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" The Captain held around you tightly as you blinked, your eyes white with confusion. "Y/N?" He asked, worrisome of wether you were hurt.

"Captain?" You couldn't see him yet but recognised that distinctive voice, Alisons and Thomas' arguing was obscured.

"Keep your eyes open, alright? I'm right here." You did as he told you. He dragged you to the couch and laid your head on his lap. He played with your hair to keep you awake.

You vision was returning back to normal, you blinked a few times. His face was full of worry as he looked down on you, one of his hands in your hair and the other around your waist.

"Captain." You called him, smiling as you could see again but left with a throbbing headache.

"Y/N! Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did Thomas hurt you?" He questioned as you sat yourself upright. He took his hands away from you and helped you sit on the couch properly.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm fine." You smiled, lying for his own sake. You didn't want him to worry about you, you didn't even know that he cared for you that much.

"God, you should rest. Never do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack, if I could have one." He smiled. You held his hand, he looked at your hands and smiled widely.

"Think I gave Alison all my energy." You yawned, hearing Alison and Thomas still arguing. You laid your head down on Captains shoulder. He didn't say a word, just smiled and encouraged your rest.

Being a poltergeist was hard.

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