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Continuation on last chapter because 2 people wanted it :)

"My turn!" Julian stood up happily to announce his talk of the day. You look up at the man confused as it was clearly your turn, Wednesday other at 2pm was always your turn.

"I think you mean my turn, Julian." You stood up from your seat dramatically. He turned to you with a menacing look, as if he was plotting something.

"Last time I checked, you went last week." He retorted, knowing full well he went last week but wanting another turn for the spotlight to be on him.

"No he didn't." Pat chimed in, standing between the two of you to stop any fighting that would occur. "Julian sit down, it's Y/Ns turn." Pat ordered yet Julian didn't budge.

"Why don't we go outside and have a little chat?" Julian insisted, no violence intended. You agreed, walking out of the room with him. "If you don't let me speak then I'll expose your big secret."

"My big secret was revealed last week, remember?" You insinuated the fact it was you coming out but you were oh so very wrong.

"Not that big secret." He smirked at you, your breath hitched realising what he was talking about. "I saw the two of you kissing." He whispered, sending shivers down your spine.

"You wouldn't dare." You threatened angrily, staring at him with fear and anger in your eyes. He took out his hand, asking for a shake. You took his hand and shook it, just to keep Captain safe.

You walked back in and sat down, looking at your feet as Julian stood proudly, ready for his talk. "What are you doing? It's not your go, Mate." Pat asked, his hands on his hips.

"Let him go." Your voice cracked out of nervousness that the information he had would spill. Captain stood behind the couch when Julian winked at him. All the dots connected in his head as he looked down at you nervously biting your nails.

"But it's your tur-" Pat insisted before you shouted back.

"Let him go." You were adamant for him to speak. He started his talk of the day, keeping his proud and cocky manner throughout all of it. You felt a hand on your shoulder, you knew it was Captain and you knew what it meant, you nodded slightly.

When Julian had finished, everyone clapped for him, you clapped slowly and unwillingly. "Why'd yous give aways your go so easily?" Mary asked you, you looked at her.

"Didn't want you all to find out about his little affair." Julian spilled, you looked at him angrily.

"What the hell, Julian?! We shook on it!" You shouted angrily, standing up and facing him.

"Non binding contract, mate." He replied smugly. You were shocked that he'd even said it, you were shocked that you carelessly showed affection in the open.

"With who?" Kitty asked, intrigued with anyones love life. "We can rule out me, Mary and Lady Button." She thought, attracting the attention of the others.

"Well it not me." Robin quickly replied.

"I don't think anyone was thinking it was you, Robin." Captain retorted, making you laugh in this stressful situation.

"Kitty, Mary, Fanny, probably Julian and Robin are off the table. Thomas only has eyes for Alison which leaves Humphrey or The Captain." Pat gave out the list, you were speechless that they'd almost already gotten it.

"Or you." Captain replied, saving your skin. "But that's none of our business anyway." He defended you, making the others reflect on what was happening.

"Why didn't you say yourself, Pat? Seems awfully suspicious to me." Thomas pointed out, followed by agreement. They argued about it for a few minutes, disregarding your feelings for them talking about your love life.

Captain could see your distress and it concerned him that he couldn't help. If he were to help it would make them assume it was him which would be correct. "Don't you think that this is a bit invasive?" Fanny pointed out the obvious. She was sure that it was Captain, Humphrey or Pat but she didn't care for the information, she just wanted it for drama in the house.

"Well, maybe Y/N and the mystery lover shouldn't of been making out in the open. It's almost like you wanted us to find out." Julian told you, making you noticeably upset. Your heart sank when you realised that there was no out this time, the only thing you could do was deny everything.

"You alright, Y/N?" Pat asked, noticing your quivering lips and teary eyes.

"No! Alright? Just no! Of course I'm not okay when I can't even have a piece of privacy in this house!" You roared, causing a Mary, Robin, Kitty and Captain to jump a little. You were crying at this point, you didn't want to hurt or out Captain, you couldn't. The silence in the room was deafening, you could hear each breath.

"Apologise, Julian." Captain told him sternly, putting his hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Julian said after an uncomfortable amount of consideration pressured by stern looks of the others.

"Y/N, why don't you do your talk now?" Captain suggested, smiling brightly at you to uplift your spirits. You shook your head, you didn't want to speak to them now. "Take all the time you need, alright?"

"Yeah, it's definitely Cap, isn't it?" Pat said, followed by the agreement of everyone.

"Oh for heavens sake." Captain grabbed your hand and pulled you out of that environment as soon as he saw you panic again. Captain couldn't have lasted another second pretending it was all fake while you panicked silently, he did what was right.

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