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"You know, I really like your eyes, Y/N

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"You know, I really like your eyes, Y/N." Captain told you, causing you to spit out your coffee. You coughed and choked, trying to stay calm though your heart was beating incredibly fast.

"What?" You coughed as you finally regained your posture. You blushed a deep red, probably from coughing so hard.

"I really like your eyes, Y/N. Is there a problem with that?" Captain repeated himself eloquently, his words flowing into your brain and making you smile.

"No, not at all. Thank you. Your eyes are beautiful too." You stammered while trying to get your words out, sitting in the kitchen while watching him lean on the chair.

"Now that I look closely, you have perfect features." He inquired, staring at your face with close examination. You were frozen flustered and you felt dazed. "You're just the perfect person, aren't you?" You could do nothing but blink quickly and breathe heavily, your coffee cup in your hands.

"Are you not well, Y/N?" Kitty asked, you didn't even notice she was there but she stood in front of you with the Captain by her side.

"What? Oh, yes...I'm fine..." You said, looking away, seeing you're 'Perfect' reflection in the window.

"Are you sure? You're flushed pink, and you're sweating!" She exclaimed, worrying for your health.

"I'm sure he's fine, Kathrine." Captain told her, causing her to be quiet yet silently worry. "However, maybe you should get some air." The Captain insisted, a smirk plastered on his face. You nodded, standing up and spilling your coffee.

"Oh shit." You groaned, feeling the liquid burn your skin. You panicked slightly and dropped the cup on the floor, watching the glass and brown liquid splatter on the floor.

"Run your arm under cold water." Kitty metaphorically pushed you to do so, you turned the tap on and ran the freezing water on your burns. "I'll get Alison!" Kitty shouted, you tried to stop her but couldn't.

"Was this my fault?" The Captain asked, suddenly standing next to the sink. You gasped when you saw him, turning the tap off and wiping your wet arm.

"No...well, yes, a bit." You told him, collecting the remains of your mug and trying to push them away from the spilt coffee. You cleaned the coffee from the floor.

"Well, I deeply apologise." He stood in front of you, watching you clean up the mess you made.

"For what? Complimenting me?" He had no reason to apologise in reality. It was your fault for dropping the cup but it was because of your reaction to his words.

"Telling the truth." He corrected your, making you flustered again. "If it's that hard to hear, I won't tell you it anymore." He threatened, you stood up from the floor and put the broken pieces of glass in the bin.

"It's not hard to hear, it just took me by surprise." You sweeper the tiny pieces of glass from the floor into a dustpan as you spoke.

"Who knew someone like you could be so oblivious to the truth? You're absolute perfection, like a masterpiece painted by God itself."

You looked at him, your heart beat wild and your face hot to the touch. You never knew the Captain to act like this, like a flirtatious fool, but it worked.

"Thank you." You eventually replied after seconds of processing the words being said. "You're quite handsome yourself." It was less formal but it made him smile.

"Everything alright, Y/N?" You heard Alison shout at you from across the corridor.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" You called back, a smile on your face but having to look down to hide it as she entered the room.

"Good morning, Alison." Captain smiled vibrantly at her.

"You're happy this morning." Alison glared at him, confused as to his cheery and uplifting behaviour.

"Well, it's hard not to be happy when you've got this perfection in your kitchen." He nodded towards you and left swiftly after. You and Alison stared at each other for awhile.

"What was that about?"

"No idea."

The Captain x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now