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"Was there something you wanted to share?" Alison asked Captain, a comforting look softly on her face

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"Was there something you wanted to share?" Alison asked Captain, a comforting look softly on her face. He looked at her with a look that told her everything.

"I'm..." He hesitated, as if he was unable to get his words out. A simple word or two could change everything about him in the eyes of the others. "I'm..." He was so close to telling them all the truth, a word away. "unable...to think of anything worth sharing." You and Alison sighed at his hesitation to finally come out.

You both knew it was true. Alison just caught on quickly, much more accepting on queer people considering it's finally considered normal. Love was forbidden for so many decades, like humanity had devolved from Robins time where everyone would live and love in harmony. It took you a bit longer to realise the hints he was dropping yet forever being on the verge of accepting himself, and the two of you had been seeing each other for two months.

The group talked about their feelings and their lives. "Y/N, what about you?" Alison asked, you looked up from your train of thought. It was this moment, this moment could ruin everything. It felt scarier than you'd imagined.

"I'm..." You paused, thinking of your words carefully. There was no way you could keep this in forever. You could do this. "I'm gay." The silence in the room spoke thousands of words. Captain looked at you with adoration and pride in his eyes.

Alison clapped slowly, then Captain joined, then Kitty, and Mary, and Robin. In the end, everyone was clapping for you, even Fanny, slowly clapping and smiling at you.

"Well done, Y/N." Fanny congratulated, the clapping slowly stopping. You took a deep breath, finally getting all that weight off of your chest.

You listened to everyone else share before art class came along. You stepped out of the room and took a deep breath out, realising their was no hiding anymore, other than your relationship.

"You did it." You saw Captain stare at you before he hugged around your neck tightly. "How are you so brave?" He was prouder than a pride parade, nothing could pull him off you in this moment.

"Thought you said that there was nothing brave about talking." You reminisced of him saying those words, slightly mutated to fit your speech but he still meant it.

"I was wrong. Talking is the bravest thing a man could do. I'm so proud of you." He kissed you passionately, feeling your smile against his made you giddy with the adrenaline of love.

"I bloody knew it." Julian whispered to himself, peeking around to see you kissing. He minded his business for once and left, told no one but always had it as blackmail if he needed it.

The Captain x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now