-Food Club-

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You all sat around the room, listening to Mary waffle on about leak and potatoes, how to grow them and all

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You all sat around the room, listening to Mary waffle on about leak and potatoes, how to grow them and all. You got bored of Food club quickly, you'd all run out of things to talk about eventually, Robin already did.

"And's that's it!" Mary nodded, you looked up and clapped though you heard nothing.

"Very good, Mary!" Kitty smiled at her, you nodded and agreed even though you had no context. Pat then stood up for his turn, he'd waited for this all week.

"Today, I'll be sharing my favourite snack, Space Dust BonBon's! My favourite flavour was always strawberry but my friend, Oliver really liked the Lemon ones but they were always too sour for me." You loved how cheery Pat always was, he never failed to brighten up a room, that was one of his many talents. You loved learning about more recent times from Pat and Julian, it made you happy learning that there was good coming back into the world.

From the moment Mary started talking to now, Pat talking about his bonbons, Captain couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He looked at the way you smirked and laughed at Pats jokes, and the way your quizzical face faded after a simple explanation, like you could understand anything. He noticed you tapping your fingers on your leg to make time seem quicker. He noticed everything about you, and he deciphered every part of your face, movement, eyes. He was in love with you. Everything you did could send him into a spiral of deeper love for you, he adored everything you did and sometimes even saw you as more than anyone else, you reminded him too much of his past lover to not fixate on you.

"I don't think Captains interested in your Space Dust Bonbon's." Humphrey pointed out, a smug smirk on his face implying he knew everything. He'd heard Captain mumbled rehearsing his undying love for you, he'd saw his face every time you walked into a room, he knew love and that's what he saw.

Everyone looked at Captain, you making eye contact with him and seeing his face turn to look at Pat. "Something on your mind, Cap? You're always willing to share." Pat told him kindly.

"Uhm, yes, I'm perfectly fine...I just, uh, I just...zoned out of reality for a second..." He stuttered, looking down at his feet and bobbing up and down nervously.

"Are you sure you're alright, Captain?" You asked, concern obvious in your voice. He looked up at you and tried to contain his smile, creating a polite nod in response. Julian looked at Humphreys head which laid on the table, they knew what was going on.

Captain stood and tried to listen to Pat, but he couldn't keep his mind and eyes off you. He kept glancing back at you, focusing on a different part of your face to keep in his mind. He stared at the floor when Pats presentation came to an end. You clapped cheerily and Pat as he bowed, Captain quickly looked up and clapped with you all.

"That was excellent, Patrick." You exclaimed, thinking of the new age, you loved it. "Would you mind telling me more of the new age? Like technology?" You asked. Captain saw your pure joy and happiness and couldn't help but smile. He loved your company, he couldn't help it.

"Are you sure you're alright, Captain?" Humphrey asked again, Julian smirked and side eyed the man.

"Yes. I'm perfectly fine. Why do you keep asking?" He questioned, his tone now angry.

"Maybe because you're too focused on Y/N to answer." Julian scoffed, your attention was gained and you looked at Julian. You cleared your throat slightly and looked back down at your lap.

"Ooh Captains got hots for Y/N." Robin smirked, making your eyes widen in pure embarrassment.

"I-I d-do not!" He lied, stuttering nervously.

"Is someone in love, Captain?" Thomas teased, they were all so loud. Shouting over each other, your name being said in every sentence. You blocked your ears and ran out of the room.

"Oh look what you've done now!" Pat shouted at Captain, he looked appalled, of course it wasn't his fault.

"I've done? It was clearly all Julians fault."

"Well maybe you should've just stopped staring." Julian replied, pointing out his thumbs. You stormed back into the room.

"Hello, Y/N. I'm sor-" Captains attitude immediately changed when he saw you. You cut him off by grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room, away from everyone else. You forced him to the library. "Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked, realising you didn't let go of his hand when you'd gotten to the library.

"I'm fine. It's overwhelming to hear everyone shouting about you, don't you think?" Your passive aggressive tone indicated that you were angry at Captain, you weren't, you couldn't be.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into them. And I deeply apologise for looking- staring at you, you're just...very attractive." He basically mumbled the last part, like he was embarrassed to admit something he'd kept in ever since he died.

"You didn't need to apologise but...thank you. I actually brought you here to show you something." You told him, finally letting go of his hand. He raised his eyebrow, an endearing expression on his face. You took a deep breath in and held his cheek, quickly pulling him in to kiss his lips.

His thoughts ran wild as he felt your skin, your lips on his. He'd wanted to do this for so long, decades even and you did it, you acted on his thoughts. He held your hand on his face, pressing onto you. The moment felt so long, like hours had passed with the two of you against each other. When you finally broke away from him, he stared at you with a big goofy smile on his face.

You laughed at his expression, he just stared into your eyes deeply, getting completely lost out of adoration. You ruffled up the mans usually tidy hair and kissed his cheek before leaving.

He stood in the exact same spot as he was, smiling and staring at the wall where you once stood. You'd acted in his thoughts. Wonderful.

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