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"The Captain? Oh, I can't stand the man

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"The Captain? Oh, I can't stand the man. So rude, adores the sound of his own voice." You talked to Alison, who was sat at her desk doing her makeup as you talked.

"Why do you hate him?" She asked, squinting while putting on mascara.

"Conflicting personalities, I'd say. He's so bossy, loves the power, hates hearing people question his authority. We aren't soldiers." You explained, pacing her room slowly. You loved to ramble on about him, and he loved rambling on about you.

"They're incompetent! They don't understand that I, as the Captain, am in charge. They're Argumentative. Annoying." Captain paced the Common room, talking to Pat and Kitty. Your footsteps aligned across the house.

"You do seem to go on about them an awful lot." Kitty noticed, her hands placed neatly on the skirt of her dress. Captain stopped in his tracks.

"Now that you mention it, you do." Pat agreed, wondering on why he constantly rambled on about you.

"Well, maybe if they weren't such a fool, I'd be able to keep their name out of my mouth." He defended him self aggressively. You walked into the room, looking for friends to talk to. "Speak of the devil."

"Talking about me again, were you?" You put your hands in your pockets and smirked at the man. "Keep my name out of your pretty little mouth, you egocentric prick." You ordered in a hush, your voice stern and aggressive. He said nothing, just stared at you with wide eyes. You strutted away, looking for Julian who was typically playing chess with Robin somewhere.

"You can't hate them after that, that was cool." Pat told him, crossing his arms. Kitty agreed.

"And very attractive." She added, with a smile. The Captain coughed uncomfortably.

"And you called him what?" Julian asked, listening to the story that just occurred.

"An egocentric prick."

"What eco-sen-trik?" Robin asked, perching his head up.

"Egocentric. He thinks he's more important than everyone else because of a stupid title." You explained, scoffing at the mention of him.

"Don't you think you're being a bit harsh, Y/N?" Thomas asked. You didn't even notice he was there.

"He deserves it. He acts as if he's the smartest man on earth when in reality, he can barely tie a knot." You complained, throwing yourself down on the chair.

"Why don't you just try and tolerate each other?"

"Not happening, poetry boy." You replied, putting your hand out to the man to dismiss his suggestion.

"He ain't that bad." Mary chimed in. "A bit big 'eaded but not that bad." She added, swishing in her dress and playing with her hands.

"Well, you and I have had a very different experience with the man, Mary."

"You just need to talk to them, Cap! When was the last time you had a civil conversation with them, no arguments?" Pat asked him. Captain thought, and thought, he couldn't remember. "Exactly! Just talk to them."

"No! I'm not talking to them. They're intolerable."

"Captain, please..." Kitty gave him her puppy dog eyes and quivering lips. "I can't stand the two of you! Your arguments ruin everything!" She cried, putting her head in her hands.

"Oh, Kitty. What happened?" You wandered into the room after hearing her wails. You kneeled by her side, putting your hand on her knee to comfort her.

"I'm tired of your bickering! Why don't you just get along?!" She pushed you away from her, running up the stairs, her cries echoing through the house. You sat there in disbelief that she was so upset.

"See? It upsets her, it upsets all of us! Just get along for once, it'll make her day."

"Not happening, sunshine. If Kitty can't stand our bickering, then why is she so adamant about forcing us to be near each other? It doesn't make sense." You pouted, standing up angrily.

"You're right." Captain huffed, holding his swagger stick.

"For once we agree."

"Not you. Patrick." He corrected, taking a deep breath.

"What?! You can't be serious! We can be civil, you're just an idiot!" You shouted, staring at Captain angrily. He glared at you with those eyes, then you realise what you'd said. "...Oh God, we're terrible, aren't we?"

"I'm afraid so. If we want Kitty to be happy, we have to start...liking each other." He shivered on the thought, over dramatising everything.

"You have to apologise to her." Pat nodded, you looked at the man who'd hated for years.

You phased through the door of Kitty's room with Captain. "Kitty?" You grabbed her attention as she cried on her bed.

"What do you want?"

"We wanted to apologise for our terrible behaviour. We didn't realise how much we were hurting the others around us. We're sorry, Kathri- Kitty." Captain told her, standing proudly at the side of her bed.

"Are you two friends now?" She asked, making you question it yourself. You looked at Captain who looked back confused on what to say.

"Yes, we're friends now." You told her, not sure on wether that was the right answer or not.

"Prove it." She said, standing up and looking at the two of you. You looked at Captain, who wasn't sure on what that meant. Her lips quivered when you wouldn't move. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you suddenly.

"Oh." You gasped, not ready for the sudden contact. You hugged him back, enjoying the physical contact you hadn't had in a few years.

"Yay! You really are friends!" She exclaimed, joining in on the hug. You looked at Captain with a little smirk, he had an uncomfortable look upon his face that made you pull away.

"Uh...well, Captain...fancy some chess?"

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