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"It's got to be perfect for him

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"It's got to be perfect for him." He stood tall in front of the other Ghosts and Alison, explain his plans for the nearing day. "We'll have lights around the room." He pointed above him and around the rest of the room, imitating stringing lights around the common room. "And we'll have a table with our gifts...well Alisons gifts and balloons right over here." His face was filled with pure joy and excitement, ready to plan the entire day for you.

"Why do you even care so much?" Fanny groaned. "We all have birthdays, why is this one so special?" She asked, maintaining her constant pout with a quizzical addition.

"Well...Y/N deserves it, they've made a fine addition to our little group and deserve a day for themself. They're one of the only people here that have a shred of common sense." Captain replied, offending some of the others in the room. He didn't mean to, he was just stating his mind.

"Can you buy cards from all of us?" Kitty asked Alison excitedly, Alison paused thinking of how many their were. Ten cards for one person, that'd be useless!

"All of you? Maybe we can all share one?" She suggested, Kitty nodded with a smile, and pondered what she'd make Alison write for her part of the card.

It was your birthday. You woke up early in the morning like a kid on Christmas. You waited until the others woke up, not knowing that they were all up already, waiting for you. You creeped down the hall to the common room and gained quite a fright when everyone shouted.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N!" Everyone shouted in unison. They all stood with balloons below them with "Happy Birthday" written on them. The room was covered in lights dangling down and glistening in the newly risen sun, making the room glow in vibrance. There was a table behind them with a few presents and a singular card, you presumed it was from all of them. As you admired around the room, your eyes filled with tears of joy.

"Thank you all...so much." You were marvelled at their success to bring you happiness on your birthday. "It's wonderful." You told them.

"No need to thank us, it was all his idea." Alison pointed at Captain, you looked at the man with the biggest smile you'd ever made.

"Thank you, Captain." You clapped excitedly, walking closer to them all and the table.

"You've got to open your gifts and card!" Robin told you, you tried to get the objects on the table but realised they weren't items from death. Instead you just watched as Alison opened the card for you.

It had everyone's name on it, even the plague ghosts and Jemima, even Mike.

'Dear Y/N,

Happy Birthday! We're so excited to celebrate this day with you with the help of Alison, we hope we make your death a little brighter.

Lots of love and care,

From The Captain, Julian, Thomas, Kitty <3, Mary, Robin, Lady B, Pat :D, Humphrey, The basement squad :), Jemima, Mike and Alison.'

You'd never felt so loved until now. Your short time with them had felt like you'd found a family, a good family that loved you.

"Thank you all so much." You put your arms around Kitty and Mary and hugged them closely.

"Now do the gifts!" Mary pushed you close to the table, you watched Alison open the gift that said "From Kitty!" Written on it and were delighted to see a model of a horse.

"Thank you, Kitty!" You went through everyone else's gifts from a keyring from Pat, books you couldn't real by yourself from Fanny and Thomas, a tie you couldn't use from Julian, a mammoth figure from Robin, a cookery book from Mary. There was a finally gift lying on the table, you presumed it was from Captain.

Captain grew nervous of what you'd say. He never wanted anything more than for you to be happy on this day, he pitied you for your terrible life and promised to make your death worthwhile. Alison couldn't touch the object, you were confused so you grabbed it, you could feel it and touch the sharp ends of the box. It was black and leather. You opened it slowly and were presented with a silver ring.

He'd held onto it for his whole life and death, it was his late mothers gift to him before her death. "Give it to your love, my dear." She spoke, her voice hoarse and broken. So that is what he did, gave it to his love.

"It's beautiful." You said in a hushed tone, picking it out of the box and feeling the cold metal on your skin. Captain placed it on your ring finger with a smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tightly, he hugged you back and spun you around.

"Happy Birthday, Y/N."

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