-Kissing 101-

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You'd noticed Captain and Fanny getting  closer

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You'd noticed Captain and Fanny getting  closer. She actually enjoyed being in a room with people when he was in a room, no, you weren't jealous but the less you got to talk to him, the more sad you'd get.

In reality, it was because he was so scared to reveal his feelings for you so he went to the one person who'd disapprove so some of her ideals could carry over to him. Whenever he'd see you, his heart would flutter and he would try his hardest to conceal his feelings for you. Everyone knew his feelings, he wasn't the best at concealing them. Only you and Fanny never noticed.

"Thomas, what do you when you fall in love?" He asked when he finally got the poet alone with him. "How do you tell them?" Thomas' face lit up.

"Is this about Y/N?" He asked in excitement, Captain hushed him quickly. "Is this about Y/N?" He whispered.

"Yes, yes it is, now be quiet." He replied quietly.

"I've dreamed of this day, I have an entire plan on how you should do it." Thomas told him, gaining a business mode and standing up tall with a smirk. Thomas then explained the entire plan to him, Captain slowly got into it and in the end, he agreed.

Captain walked into your room, you turned around and looked at him confused. "I physically can't knock." He replied to the silence, you laughed.

"What is it?" You asked, wondering why, after months of barely talking, he'd come into your room, he obviously needed something.

"I know we haven't talked a lot recently and...ell...it's embarrassing, really." He said, you dreaded what was coming. "Thomas is busy so I was wondering if...you could teach me how to kiss someone?" He asked, you looked at him. Were you entirely sure that this was the Captain? No. Would you do anything in your power to make him happy? Of course.

"I guess..." You said, waving at him to come and sit down on your bed. He sat next to you awkwardly. "Well first...drop hints, look at their lips and slowly get closer to them. If they're uncomfortable, they should back away and you shouldn't kiss them. Don't purse your lips, keep them softly parted." You tried to explain without getting embarrassed. He watched and listened as you explained.

"You can stop, if you'd like." He told you, you shook your head and thought about what to do next, you hadn't kissed anyone in decades so it took some reminiscing.

"Then...kiss them. Close your eyes, lean in and kiss. Lock your lips on theirs. Use your hands, hold their shoulder, cheek, waist, hair. Remember to breathe, obviously. Then, pull away slowly." You finished, looking at him in the eyes. He looked at your lips and then back to your eyes. You sat there for a few seconds before he leaned closer.

He gently kiss your lips and held your check. You were shocked, you slowly held his shoulder and shut your eyes. He pulled away slowly and stared at you with a smile. "Like that?" He asked, you slowly nodded. You sat flustered, blushing deeply. You took a gulp, shaking slowly.

"Yep, that was...perfect." You told him. He knew what he did to you, and he knew that you enjoyed it. He stood up and walked to the door.

"Thank you, Y/N!" He waved before leaving your room. You laid back on your bed in pure ecstasy, he'd kissed you, even if he didn't mean it like that, he kissed you.

"How was it?" Thomas asked him as soon as he left your room.

"It was perfect, thank you, Thorne." They shook hands. "Now, we shall never speak of this again."

"Of course."

You sat in your room in pure shock. You didn't move from your last position, you were stuck in place with a feeling of pure ecstasy. Your breath slowly returned to normal and your hands stop shaking. You were still wide eyed and flushed.

"I wasn't busy, Y/N." Thomas whispered, his head poking through the wall. You jumped and looked at him. You took in his words but didn't process them until seconds later.

"...Hang on."

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