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"Looks like a storms brewing

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"Looks like a storms brewing." You heard Micheal say as he closed the large curtains, you stepped outside quickly and saw approaching dull clouds as the rain dismally patted the the ground. The drops fell right through you, causing you to feel ill. You stepped back inside, fearful of the storm that was yet to come. You could sense a storm deep in your gut. You were terrified of them.

It was storming the day you died, the heavy wind whistling through the house. The rain hitting the windows quickly and adamantly trying to get in. The thunder roaring in the atmosphere around the house. The lightning flashing being your only source of light as the cold blooded killer drew closer to you.

"I love storms! It's so calming to hear the rain fall." Alison said, followed by the other ghosts shaking their heads profusely, nodding and pointing towards you.

"A storm..." You mumbled, looking out the window in agony. The wind whistled through the house causing you to shake and cover your ears, the memories of the years before running through your mind.

"Y/N, why don't we go upstairs?" Captain quickly suggested as the others stood watching your small panic. You nodded and ran quickly up the stairs, Captain hurrying after you. He was like a father to you, constantly worrying about you, always willing to help you, over protective over you until the end of time.

"What was that about?" Alison asked the concerned faces of the ghosts, torn on wether they should tell her or let her stay clueless.

"The day Y/N died, there was a thunderstorm. I'm certain it reminds them of that traumatising night of late October." Thomas informed as vague as he could to keep your pride.

Meanwhile, you sat with your hands over your ears on your bed, shaking and rocking back and forth like you did on that fateful night, listening to your mothers heart wrenching scream.

"The winds stopped, Y/N." Captain smiled at you calmly as he safely took your hands off of your ears. As he'd said, the wind had stopped whistling through the house and had calmed itself.

"It felt so loud." You shivered, bringing your knees up to your chest on your bed as he sat next to you, his heart filled with sorrow. "I can still hear her sometimes." You looked at him, your permanently tear stained face caused him to look down, as if he'd disappointed you.

"You were too young." He uttered under his breath, putting his hand on your shoulder in comfort and alliance.

The wind was louder now. The moon shining upon your room, half being covered with thick grey clouds, pouring with rain. There was a strike of lightning lit the room for a split second, followed by the thunder roaring in the atmosphere. You shrieked hearing the crash, the lights turning off in the house.

"Y/N." Captain awoke from his slumber after hearing your cry. He quickly got up and hurried to your room, making sure not to wake the others. He saw your figure, sitting on the floor, shaking and crying just like the day of late October. He knelt down next to you, sitting down on the floor eventually. He tapped your shoulder, you yelped as you looked up to his kind smile.

"Captain..." You whimpered, sniffling away your tears and trying to rid your terrified face. His expression changed to kindness to concern, as if he would care that you were crying.

"I know it's loud, I know. We can stay put, together." He reassured you, making you aware of his constant support. You let out a loud sob, latching into his side. He put his arm around you and patted your back. Another strike of thunder and lighting made you yelp and sob even harder.

You stayed in that very position for hours until the storm calmed. He gave you words of affirmation throughout all of it, calming you as well as the storm.

"Rest well, my child." He kissed your forehead as he laid you down on your bed, you smiled. He didn't know you were awake then but he definitely did now, he left the room yet checked on you hourly that night.

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