-A/N: Requests-

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Hello! It is Lee, the writer of this book! I love writing, obviously, but coming up with ideas isn't my strong suit. So, send me some requests! I'd prefer if these Requests were SFW :) (they can be platonic as well!!)

Other than that, thank you all so much for the love and support on this book and my other book, I appreciate it so much. I didn't expect them to be seen by anyone so seeing all the reads and votes makes me so happy.

Here's some self promo for my own sake. These aren't my first fanfics to kinda blow up actually, I had quite a popular Mandalorian Oneshots book weirdly. Go to mandawhor1an if you wanna read that!

Ty for all the kind messages. I love you all so much (/p) and you all motivate me to write more <3 you're all wonderful

- Lee

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