03 | admirer

376 13 12

PLEASE I FORGOT ABOUT THIS STORY- my updates are slow so sorry about that 💀
Anyways, enjoy <3

tw: stalking

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[Poe's POV]

My disease is tormenting me like crazy. I just couldn't make a decision, no matter how much thought I put into it I reached no consensus. I haven't gotten sleep in days, since I would pull all-nighters brainstorming different outcomes, but every choice was unfair. It was like a path with no end, it felt as if my future lied in this singular choice I had to make. So how am I supposed to know what to choose?

Sick of thinking about this depressing topic, I walked over to my mirror, looking at the relatively distinct eye bags I had. Until suddenly, my doorbell rang. I groaned, not wanting to get out of the proximity of my bedroom. I opened it, thinking it would be Ranpo on the other side, but to my surprise, I found a letter.

Hello, Poe. I admire your work greatly and I was wondering if we could meet up Sunday morning. I'll be waiting for you.


The card was a bit strange to say the least. If it were a fan, wouldn't it be a bit more enthusiastic than this? Maybe longer even? It sounded oddly vague too. I'm probably overthinking it, after all, I haven't slept in three days.
I shrugged the ominous letter off, sinking into my couch. Should I meet up with them? I mean, it wouldn't hurt to go. The meeting time is two days from now, which should give me some time to look more presentable. It's also an opportunity to keep my disease off of my mind for a bit.

Karl climbed onto my shoulder, nipping at my face. "Yes, Karl?" For a few seconds, I was slowly getting agitated, confused about what he was trying to tell me until my phone drew my attention. "You're amazing, Karl!"

I was struck with the genius idea to call Ranpo, fortunately sober this time.
"Hey, Poe! What do you need?"
"Can we meet up at the café? I want to talk to you about something."


As we sat down in that same, familiar café, I started to fiddle with my thumbs, hesitating to speak. I typically didn't like getting help from Ranpo, or anyone in general, but Karl did say this was a good idea. Should I be listening to a raccoon in the first place? I think I might be going crazy.

Ranpo tapped on the table, still getting nothing from Poe. He sighed impatiently, "So, what'd you want to talk to me about?"
I had gotten too deep into my thoughts I left Ranpo sitting there. "O-oh, sorry. I got this in the mail this morning." I passed the letter to Ranpo, the latter examining it.

"This doesn't look like an ordinary fan letter. The wording is off." he shrugged, handing it back to me. "I thought that too... do you think I should go?" There was a moment of silence for a good few seconds, which struck me with worry, considering that Ranpo wasn't the hesitant type.
"I don't think it's necessarily dangerous, but be aware that going could harm your peace of mind. It's obvious you're dealing with something rough, but I didn't want to invade your privacy. Just think about it tomorrow and get some sleep for me." Ranpo started grabbing his things and getting up from his seat. Not wanting him to go just yet, I grabbed his hand, my body acting on its own.

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