Sigil of Permission

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[A/N: Xiao finally meets Lumine again. But the news she brings...just might shatter his world.]


Oh she desperately needed that moment to relax and just soak away the aches and pains of her recent travels. A full stomach and a decent sleep for once had worked wonders for the blonde traveler as she walked out of her room early the next morning. "I still gotta find that Yaksha."she thought. Yes she still needed to find this final adeptus that Moon Carver had told her to reach out to and contact. But with no means of knowing what he looked like would make things difficult. The others had all told her he called the area around Wanshu Inn the closest thing he had to a home.  Behind her floating behind with a groggy yawn was her fairy companion, Paimon. 

"So this is Wanshu Inn? Paimon thinks it looks very basic. Are we really going to find an adeptus here, Lumine?"yawned Paimon as she rubbed her tired eyes.

Paimon was right that it wasn't anything fancy by any means with scrolls of ink water color paintings and calligraphy adorning the walls, wood floors and walls, a spiraling staircase, and the odd group of flower arrangements and other décor. But Lumine honestly loved the inn for the lone factor it was built right into this ancient maple tree. The tree itself had to be easily over several thousands of years old. Maybe even dating back to the archon war itself. The food here was surprisingly intricate and even comforting too. Remembering Lumine smiled and pulled out an apple for Paimon which the fairy readily accepted. 

"Its the only lead we have. Humble this place may be but it has a charm to it that the adepti seem to like if Moon Carver and even the others suggested it."she pointed out to her friend.

"Hm you have a point. Hey lets go checkout the balcony, maybe we can get more clues!"suggested Paimon.

"That is actually a good idea. Lets go then."Lumine grinned to her companion. 

So with purpose and eagerness in each step Lumine went up to the top floor where the balcony was. Slowing down she slowed her strides in awe at the beautiful view it provided. Large paper lantern hung from the roof's banister that swayed in tune with the gentle spring morning breeze that was moist from the marsh air. The sky had barely a wisp of a snowy white cloud to shroud the azure horizon as marsh birds welcomed the day with their song. A few lone dragonflies buzzed past in some unknown chasing, zipping dance. By the railing four large intricate pots with two baring what seemed to be Sumeru or Natlan palm trees and one with a grassy rock garden and finally one with a tiny lotus pond. Being careful as they could they went over to the railings for a better look. Due to the height they could easily see for miles. 

"Hm he doesn't seem to be here..."sighed Paimon.

"We'll find him, we have to."Lumine hummed to herself thinking out loud.

At the same time lounging on the roof was the young yaksha himself enjoying a brief moment of repose. However at sensing something that was achingly familiar he sat up and looked over with sharp golden eyes. He spotted the blonde human and her fairy companion admiring the view. His curiosity peaked when his ears, much sharper then a human's ever where over heard the two mortals. "They're looking for me? Why would they want anything to do with me?"he thought with a furrow of his brow. They were really enjoying the view and he wasn't sure why or what brought it on but with the silence and grace of a cat he hopped down and went over to stand beside this stranger. The fools they hadn't even noticed him.

"To the blind, everything may not be as it appears."Lumine practically jumped out of her skin at his voice. As she looked over the voice's owner locked eyes with her with a sort of stoic, tranquil expression to his face. He was about around her height at 5'2 feet. His skin was surprisingly fair with distinct red eye liner, a soft purple diamond marking on his forehead, and very distinct green tattoos on his right arm. His medium length hair was dark with teal undertones that was swept back with longer side bangs. Oh but it was his eyes that fascinated her the most. Those eyes had cat-like pupils and were a golden color that shined like brilliant diamonds. They reminded her of a tiger's eyes actually, with their hue and sharp gaze. His appearance seemed quite human.

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