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[A/N: Gasp! Morax pulled the classic drama cliché of faking your death!! Hehehe have some Rex Incognito remix too. Also three chapters in one day? Yep I go sleep now. *passes out into my blanket burrow*]




There was a million words that could describe what Xiao felt as he listened in from where he was hiding from up in the banisters of the bank. The man with the burnette ombre hair and golden eyes holding some odd chess piece like object had made him froze. But with two human mortals he dared not make himself known. Many emotions he was not used to crashed like a stormy sea in his heart as he continued to listen in. Anger for being deceived and tested like this but it switched to relief and joy that his beloved Geo Archon was alive and well. But that turned to confusion and trying to understand..."Why?" Just why had he done this? It was confusing. Joy and confusion got replaced with curiosity as to just what that strange object was he spotted in Morax's hand. "Is that the Gnosis they all kept talking about?"he thought. For now, he would listen and wait but he was not expecting the side glance his lord stole up and spotted him before turning it back on the platinum blonde harbinger.

Zhongli turned his gaze to Signora and handed over his gnosis, "...The contract has been fulfilled as promised. That which thou seeketh is now bestowed unto thee, for my promise is as solid as stone."

Understanding before took the place of confusion on Lumine's face as she eyed the chess piece like object that was his gnosis. "So all this time you were actually Rex Lapis"she mused.

"Are you upset I kept this from you, Miss Lumine?"Zhongli suddenly asked looking over at her. He had expected anger or betrayal but neither graced her fair features. No instead she just looked curious if not just a little hurt.

"I am hurt you never told me, and I did have my suspicions but...I'm sure you had your reasons for it."Zhongli could once more only stare in stunned silence. Still the questions they were firing at him were understandable. Ones he was more then happy to answer and it was what Lumine deserved to know the reason behind this entire theatrical events. In the end Lumine seemed to understand as Signora took her leave and not long after Childe had left, leaving him alone with Lumine and Paimon.

"Now we are alone...or so I'd like to say we are."Zhongli began.

"Huh? But Paimon only sees you and Lumine here."Paimon pointed out.

Lumine though knew as during this entire thing she had felt like they had been being watched. "Xiao is that you hiding? Won't you come out and say hello?"she called. No sooner had she called for him Xiao had leaped down to vanish in mist only to appear kneeling respectfully at Zhongli's feet like a knight with his king. Which probably was not too farfetched from the truth in Lumine's view from what she had learned. After all Zhongli was Morax which made him the prime of the adepti; a king, a ruler, a leader. 

"My Lord, it pleases me greatly you are alive and well."greeted Xiao. 

"Xiao, my boy, I've told you countless times there is no need to bow to me."grinned Zhongli in greeting as Xiao rose to his feet. The poor boy looked rather flustered and upset. He had been expecting this to happen and had been planning to tell the adepti anyways of the truth. Xiao just happened to find out sooner then expected is all. 

"I'm happy for you Xiao that you got to see Rex Lapis again."giggled Lumine in amusement cutting off Xiao's angry banter that Zhongli so easily tossed to the side. Her laughter catching Xiao off guard as he moved away seemingly to sulk as he growled softly in annoyance. Xiao's attention changed to Lumine noticing her complexion had paled considerably since she left the docks. "She doesn't look good..."he thought with a furrow of his brow. Actually Lumine seemed to be in a bit of pain to him.

"So then what did she offer?"Lumine asked, her voice cracking as she was now starting to feel her adrenaline start to fade. Leaving a screaming, burning agony as her body protested from her wounds and throbbing skull.

"Oh how I wish I could tell you, but that is something you must uncover for yourself in your future journeys."he informed. However both Zhongli and Xiao began to grow even more concerned seeing how unwell and pale she looked. Lumine looked about ready to collapse where she stood.

"Lumine, what's wrong?"Xiao asked walking over to her side.

"You don't look so good, Paimon thinks you better sit down."Paimon suggested.

"Y-Yeah I think Paimon's right...I-I just need to get some air and sit down."rasped Lumine in exhaustion rubbing her eyes. Damn her head was just throbbing and she was having trouble seeing straight and while the adeptal powers were gone her body felt like it was burning. She had only managed to take a few steps to head for the door before her legs cave out after a severe case of vertigo hit her like a spinning ruin guard's hand. "Lumine!"

Xiao raced over actually looking distraught with worry as he kneeled down beside her and took her petite frame into his arms. Her face was tinged dark with a rising fever as each labored breath seemed to only bring agony. "Lumine answer me what's wrong? Lumine!"he pleaded desperately. Why? Why seeing her in particular suffering weighed so heavy and distressed him so much? 

"So without my notice the Vigilant Yaksha has found somebody to cherish and love."mused Zhongli as he walked over and bent down to check on Lumine after removing a glove from his hand. Xiao's eyes grew wide in surprise then to realization as his tiger-like eyes landed back and forth from Lumine and Zhongli as his lord assessed what was wrong. 

"L-Love...?"Xiao echoed. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Xiao, are you still so blind? You have something very precious here before you. Love is something that must never be betrayed."Zhongli explained gently taking Lumine into his arms. By her condition it seemed to be a side effect of being under so many adeptal powers at once. Thankfully it would be a simple fix, no different then treating a cold or flu. Her injuries though would need the attention only Dr.Baizhu at Bubu Pharmacy could give.

Xiao let it sink in along with everything that happened and he realized his lord was right. But it made him very, very nervous as he froze realizing he had fallen in love when he should have been keeping to his contract like always. He flinched as Zhongli's gaze turned to him. Prepared to face any punishment to be dished out. But....none came. Just a warm and genuine smile as nostalgia shined in his eyes as he motioned for him to follow. "Having somebody you wish to love and protect will only make you fight even harder you'll discover. This doesn't get in the way of the contract, Xiao and you have every right to be happy. So grasp it with both hands and do not let it slip away. Because one day you so much as blink, you will might be too late to claim it..."Zhongli said smoothly as they reached the pharmacy's stairs.

Xiao could only stare before realizing Zhongli was talking about that day. That horrible day that had also created Dihua Marsh. Xiao's gaze turned to Lumine's ailing face, hushed whimpers asking for him came from her lips making him walk closer. "It's alright, I'm right here."

"Will she be ok?"Paimon piped up.

"She will be fine, do not worry."Zhongli assured handing Lumine over to the care of Dr.Baizhu and Qiqi. Once she was treated, Xiao wasted no time teleporting in a wisp of dark mist to where she was. He took her into his arms like a bride as she slept before leaving with her to appear in her suite at Wanshu Inn. 

To Be Continued....

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