Venti's Mistake

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[A/N: Windblume shenanigans hahaha! Venti by mistake got Lumine drunk....oops. Zhongli and Xiao aren't too thrilled by it. Congrats Venti your contract for living and breathing has been demolished. rofl Don't worry, Xiao don't hate Venti here. Venti just, well did one big fat OOPS~!]


She was not sure how but Lumine had managed to with Zhongli's help convince Xiao to come with her to Monstandt. Zhongli also had some time off so had decided to join Lumine and Xiao for the trip. It was increasingly amusing for the former lord of geo as he watched the budding lovebirds rush around the festival. Windblume was just as much an ancient tradition as Liyue's Lantern Rite and Moonchase Festival. One by one as laughter and the rich scent of flowers on the late spring breeze carried on the wind Lumine had introduced Xiao to each of her friends. 

Xiao felt very, very overwhelmed by everything which was making him irritable at best. He had not set foot outside of Liyue since his shackles had been shattered by Lord Morax. He was too busy with the other four yakshas slaying and disposing of anything and every malice they found. All around them there were so, so many mortals making merry and some arguing and some fooling around. Not many shops were open during this lively festival. An extreme contrast to Liyue during its festivals. Despite how uncomfortable he felt and very much feeling like a fish out of water he tried his best to behave.

Not only because Mo—Zhongli was enjoying himself but Lumine was grinning ear to ear. "I've never seen her so happy. Nor was I expecting she had ties with Lord Barbatos."he thought with a sigh as he quickly leaped up to the seclusion of the roof tops near the blacksmith. He really, really just needed to get away for awhile. To make matters worse his karma was acting up a bit today but hadn't had the heart to let her know.

Lumine had noticed though and her concern grew as she looked over at Amber. "You have to forgive him. He's never been outside Liyue and he's not used to the hustle and bustle."she explained.

"No, no its ok. He did look a bit pale, though earlier."Amber pointed out.

Zhongli had soon concern but there was a glint of knowing in his eyes as he gave a subtle gesture at Lumine. "Miss Amber perhaps you can introduce me to Master Diluc? I would like to talk business with him and the Dawn Winery on behalf of my employer."

Lumine realized instantly he was gesturing towards the blacksmith so quickly she hurried off. "I'll be seeing you later Amber and Mr.Zhongli."

"O-Oh um ok I guess?"Amber looked right down confused as she watched her friend leave her and Paimon behind. But Paimon had a knowing grin and decided to help Zhongli keep Amber distracted from Lumine. Lumine rushed for a more quieter part of over by the lakeside docks just outside the city walls. "This should do the trick, right?"she thought. It wasn't so loud here and not many people came this way. "Xiao, can you come here?"she called softly.

Like clockwork and true to his word Xiao had appeared before her in a wisp of dark mist. He looked right down annoyed if not a bit crankier then usual. "What do you want now Lumine?"he rasped.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner. I want you to be honest, is your karma acting up? You haven't' been in the best of moods all day."Lumine asked in concern as she reached out to grab his hand. It was very faint but she could see the pain in his eyes. Actually he seemed to be shaking a little.

"...Yes."he whispered after a long pause, carefully squeezing her hand.

"Come with me then."Lumine carefully lead him to the shade of a near by cedar tree and got him to sit down. "Stay here for awhile until you're ready to come back to the suites at the city's inn. I'm going to go see Venti quickly."she assured. Once she was certain that Xiao would be fine and just needed some space to himself for awhile she hurried off to go meet Venti at the bar. Xiao in the mean time leaned back against the tree trunk, closing his eyes and sighed. He felt frustrated by this and he really, really wasn't liking seeing other males so near her all day. Even if they were nothing but her friends to her. So why did that infuriate him so much!? Still the gentle sounds of wind and string instruments on the wind from the festival helped soothed his nerves as fireflies began to come out to dance across the beautiful and tranquil Cider Lake.

 So why did that infuriate him so much!? Still the gentle sounds of wind and string instruments on the wind from the festival helped soothed his nerves as fireflies began to come out to dance across the beautiful and tranquil Cider Lake

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Ugh she felt funny.

Had that sparkling cider Venti gave her gone bad? Her head felt fuzzy and it walking straight was tricky as she returned to meet up with Zhongli and Xiao at the town square near good Hunter. "Um are you ok? Paimon thinks you should sit down."asked Paimon in worry. Lumine's face was flushed too now that she noticed.

"Mmmphm...That cider Venti gave me tasted funny Paimon...."groaned Lumine unable to see straight either. "My stomach hurts too..."

Xiao and Zhongli had not been expecting the state Lumine returned in as the young blonde came up behind to hug Xiao from behind, making him almost jump out of his skin. If he had been a cat Xiao's tail probably would have been bristling right about now from the surprised contact. "Pillow time..."came her hiccupped sighed. 

"L-Lumine let go! Why are you acting like this?"yelped Xiao growing fifty shades of red while Zhongli some how managed to pry her off and pick her up. One sniff from both their sharp adepti noses was enough to alert them what had happened.

"I think I know what happened...."Zhongli stated looking dumbfounded.

"Meanie! Xiao you need to apologize to me!"whimpered Lumine through her very drunken hiccups.

"Apologize? What did I do!?"Xiao echoed. The poor boy not sure how to handle this situation in the slightest. But there was one thought all three had: How the hell did she get a hold of wine!? And this wasn't the weak stuff either if the scent was anything to go by to Zhongli and Xiao. After all Monstandt was known for its alcohol. all across Tevyet. 

"For being so handsome and cute and nice!"pouted Lumine before Xiao was fast in his flustered state to cover her mouth and stop her rambling. Only for her to end up giggling as she jumped out from Zhongli's arms to tackle Xiao causing the duo to crash into the ground.

"L-Lumine! Let go!"yelped Xiao as he picked themselves both up. However he was unable to pry her off in her drunken affections that were so not good for his racing heart. Actually part of him was excited for the compliments but the other was not sure what to do. He didn't want to hurt or upset her.

"Miss Lumine where did you get the wi—?"Zhongli asked but cut himslef off at the familiar cheerful sing song call.

"Lumineee~! I may have by mistake given you the wrong...drink...?"Venti called as he ran over. Instantly killer intent sprang forth from Zhongli and Xiao while the young adeptus held one very drunk traveler. 

"YOU!!!"snapped Zhongli.

"Your dead insignificant bard."snarled Xiao handing Lumine over to Zhongli before summoning his polearm and charged at the poor Anemo Archon.

"Eeeeeiiiiii!!!! Can't we talk about this!?"

"NO!!!"snapped Zhongli and Xiao. Screams from a certain tone deaf bard rang into the night as he was chased relentlessly by one very protective and pissed off yaksha in a bad mood. Venti had learned the hard way he best be far, far more careful to check the labels on the bottles at the bar more carefully. Lest he once again got Lumine drunk and forced to face not only the yaksha's rage but the wrath of the rock too!!

To Be Continued...

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