I Don't Want Your Sympathy

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[A/N: Oh dear. I picked the right music for this chapter for you guys so enjoy some comfort warmth. lol X3]


The rainy weather hadn't let up for the last few days meaning Lumine couldn't really bother to go out and handle her work with the Adventurers' Guild. She had been teleporting back and forth between the capital city of Liyue Harbor and Wanshu Inn after agreeing to help with the Rite of Parting the last few days. But with the weather like this, it would not be wise nor safe to travel through the mountains in search of the flowers needed for the ceremony. So, Zhongli had informed her to take this time to rest from her recent ordeals. Something she had readily accepted.

The winds outside were starting to pick up as she and Paimon were helping the owners around the inn as she peered outside. "Looks like we're in for a really bad one tonight."sighed Goldet as she hurried to close the doors to the lobby after the other staff and guests rushed inside. 

"Yeah Paimon can just hear it howling out there."noted Paimon looking outside.

"I can see why Zhongli advised us to just stay indoors today. You almost got blown away while we were helping repair the stairs."chuckled Lumine.

"Not Paimon's fault it is so windy!"huffed the fairy as Lumine left the basket of produced by the reception. 

"Well here's the produce you guys asked me to bring up. Is that everything for now, Goldet?"Lumine asked dismissing her fairy companion's annoyance as she dusted off her hands.

"Yes, that should be everything, thank you Traveler."thanked Goldet with a smile. 

Lumine then gave a quick stretch as she peered out the window as the howling wind and rain shook the window and branches. She could just hear the steady creaking from the ancient tree as she went up the stairs. She had reached the top just as the lanterns got blown out from the wind as the balcony door was forced open. A familiar green glow and sharp cat-like eyes caught her attention. "Xiao?"she called looking over trying to get a better look. Her eyes turned wide in horror as the lightning flash revealed the sorry state he was as his hands were clutching his polearm and barely standing as their eyes met. Horror was replaced swiftly by worry as she hastened over to the trembling young adeptus. 

"Lumine, when did you get back here?"he croaked clearly in a lot of pain. 

"So many wounds..."she thought as he looked at her in surprise as he started leaning into the door frame for extra support. By now she was just inches from him, the annoying fairy looking on the verge of panic. "Xiao you went and got hurt again didn't you?"

"Paimon doesn't like this....You did something crazy and pushed yourself too far again didn't you?"whimpered Paimon in worry.

Xiao's vision in front of him was beginning to fail him as his strength finally gave out and started to fall as his polearm clattered to the floor before it vanished in a dark mist. Lumine thankfully had been close enough and managed to some how catch him with a startled squeak. "Damn he's in rough shape...but he can't stay out here in the hall bleeding out like this..."she thought with great concern. Despite his weak protests Lumine managed to get his arm over her shoulder to support him. "You had me worried when I saw you come in like that."she whispered.

"Tsk...this nothing of your concern so why are you doing this?"he hissed.

"Why wouldn't I? You're hurt Xiao."she said firmly offering a reassuring smile as they reached her suite and hurried in to close the door with a backwards kick of her foot. Paimon being quick about diving into Lumine's dimensional storage to grab the medical kit, handing it to Lumine after she slowly eased Xiao down to lie back against the wall.

"Hmph, I don't need your pity or your sympathy. It's part of the price I pay after everything I've done."he spat bitterly. He did not want nor desired the looks of pity for this was his karma but also part of the hazard of the contract Morax had him in. At the thought of the Geo Archon his heart sank once more as he grew quiet, uncharactistically so to Lumine. 

"I'm not giving your any of that Xiao."she said with a concerned smile putting a cloth dipped in warm water to clean the blood off his skin. Xiao was completely drenched by the storm too so she made a mental note make sure to give him a towel shortly. The rate he healed was astonishing too. Wounds that would be severe to a human healed within a day or three while minor ones healed almost instantly. The look of astonishment at her words in his golden eyes laced heavy with pain didn't escape her notice. "I'm aware after witnessing that incident you are used to all this suffering and agony. Although...I do hope you will appreciate your body better Xiao."she firmly stated in a soft tone that was like a gentle mountain breeze to his ears.

He flinched; tensing up at the contact with her touch as the gentle sensation felt so strange and foreign. Something he was not used to experiencing; this...this caring. This kindness she showed without any ulterior motive behind it. He was not sure what to think and that was hard enough with the sorry state he was in. With a groan he found himself begin to slump a little until his head was resting on her shoulder. 

"Xiao what's wrong?"she yelped in concern. The young yaksha looked on the verge of passing out now.

"I-I....I am sorry."he rasped fighting to keep his consciousness. "...I pushed myself...too far."

To his surprise he felt warm and gentle hands carefully move him so his head rested on her lap. The rough fuzziness of the rag on the gash just above his right eye stinging a little as she cleaned and mended it. "So that's why I keep seeing return to the inn injured....I'm glad you're still here with me. That makes me very happy and relieved, Xiao."she whispered as she finished tending to his wounds. Xiao was once again surprised, not used to this sort of kindness and sincerity. "She's happy I keep coming back?"he thought in disbelief as he felt her hand softly and tenderly run through his damp hair with a dry towel.

"You did good, Xiao. Thank you for everything you do."she hummed softly.

Her words actually made him relax, a subtle warmth swelling in his heart. Lumine completely unaware she had just said the same praise Lord Morax would always tell him since that day. He wasn't good with nor sure on many matters mortals had or valued in morals. But if he had to choose a word Morax was family. But he was no longer with them now, stolen away all too soon. But some how ever so slowly he was finding this lone traveler was drawing him in. To the point he allowed himself to succumb to the pain and fatigue, no longer able to fight it. Lumine's scent of cosmic flowers and her gentle touch easing him into a much needed slumber he could not fight against as his voice trailed off, "Thank you....Lumine..."

To Be Continued....

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