Morax's Blessing

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[A/N: After Lumine asks him to come with her to Inazuma Xiao feels conflicted. He goes to speak with Zhongli. *sad and happy noises* Only one chapter left before I see you my readers in their sequel, "War of Change". Also enjoy the song above for Xiaolumi I provided as I think it fits here.]


It was evening as the summer breeze caressed the tree leaves outside of Wanshu Inn. The sound of crickets singing and the odd squeak of a passing bat just coming out to feed on the insects hanged on the marsh air along with frog song in a evening chorus. Fireflies began to wake and take flight like swarms of tiny lanterns. Sitting on top of the ancient tree's branches watching the world go by was the young yaksha himself. His expression confused, torn, and sour after the news he got a few days ago. "She leaves tomorrow..."he thought bitterly. Why did she have to leave? Leave for somewhere his hands can't reach out for her.


He knew why and she had told him as such too. She wanted answers only the archons could give her after the dark truth discovered. She had even asked him to go with her for the journey. But...h-he'd never been outside of Liyue since his contract. "Shit...the contract."he hissed under his breath. Now he felt even more turmoil and torn as his heart wailed and screamed with this heavy agony. She was leaving, she was leaving Liyue...she was leaving him behind! He felt like he was being torn apart by beasts from the Abyss. Why did this emotion called love feel so, so good but now it was hurting him so much!? Especially since Lumine once again had shown her kindness and patience in telling him that he didn't need to give his answer until the day she'd leave. That day was tomorrow morning at Liyue Harbor where a member of the Crux would come to pick her up and sweep her away.

The more he thought about it the more it hurt and it was almost paralyzing. He didn't want to let her slip away somewhere he couldn't touch her, hold her, protect her. Especially with how stubborn she was and reluctant to rely on others. Then a thought did occur to him...didn't both Ganyu's parents face a problem similar to what he was now? Hadn't they sought out Lord Morax? Xiao's eyes grew wide in realization. "Lord Morax."he whispered.  His mind made up he vanished in a wisp of dark mist for Liyue Harbor. At this point of time the former Lord of geo should be on his way home. He just had to talk with him.

Zhongli had been expecting this to happen at some point after discovering the young yaksha had fallen in love with Lumine

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Zhongli had been expecting this to happen at some point after discovering the young yaksha had fallen in love with Lumine. He just didn't expect it to happen this soon to see the boy appear before him, almost startling him while he had been preparing for tonight's dinner. The lone yaksha looking like some lost pitiful kitten. So he had invited him over to have a seat at his kitchen table offering him simple food and drink before pulling his own chair out to sit down.

"Now what troubles you so much Xiao?"he asked calmly. Xiao opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out only fall silent as he stared at his reflection in the glass of water clutched in his hands.

"Is this about the Traveler leaving tomorrow?"Xiao's reaction was all the proof Zhongli needed. "I thought as much."

"She...She asked me to go with her."Xiao's voice cracked as he managed to force out his words.

"Do you want to go with her?"Zhongli asked with a firm tone.

"I do but my duty is here. If I leave who will protect Liyue? I love her so damn much it hurts but now she's slipping out of my reach and I-I..."he asked clearly distressed as his voice trailed off as he looked away in frustration before discarding everything on his side of the table in frustration. Cuasing china to shatter with a sharp crashing splatter. "WHY DID I HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THIS!? WHY DID I HAVE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER!!"

Zhongli only sighed as he got up from his seat and walked over to crouch down and force the dark haired adeptus to look him in the eyes. Xiao had tears in his eyes, something he had not seen in such a very, very long time. Sitting before him was a confused and torn boy. "Xiao that's how love is, it can be the most wonderful thing but also the cruelest. I should know better then anyone..."he mused his amber eyes turning sad at the memories that were now so bittersweet. 

"I don't want her to go out of my reach. I want to go with her."he finally whispered avoiding Zhongli's gaze.

"Xiao the time of Liyue needing us adepti has come and gone. I know where my heart now lies and my final contract made. Question is...where does your final contract lie, Xiao my boy?"Zhongli asked making Xiao's expression turn to surprise.

"But my contract to protect Liyue..."countered Xiao.

"Xiao for once, do what your heart desires. Do not let it slip away, do not make my mistakes. I give you my blessing to go be with her...all birds must leave the nest. Is it not time you spread yours once more?"smiled Zhongli as he slowly walked away to the window of his home. Yes Liyue would be safe with the humans and there were capable young exorcists too. Not to mention there was the other adepti.

Xiao could stare at the former Lord of Geo, "I'm not in trouble?"

"No my dear Yaksha. I give you my blessing once back at the bank  and I give it completely now. So go to her, run to to her and don't let go."Zhongli said with a fond smile. The last of his yakshas had found something precious. "Liyue will not burn during your absence, so go with my blessings."

His blessing and his encouragement was all Xiao needed as he slowly got to his feet unsure what to say to his lord. This man had saved him, set him free, gave him a new purpose and name to protect him. But the was truth in his words too. Their time had risen, dawned, and fallen to a conclusion. Liyue didn't need him as much anymore and no longer needed the adepti's protection. "My final contract huh?"he mumbled under his breath. His confidance now solid again as stone Xiao turned his gaze at his lord. "I want to go with her, no...I will go with her."

"Then protect her, cherish her. That is the contract your heart has affirmed to you."Zhongli said looking over his shoulder briefly. "Do not break it."

"Yes, Lord Morax."

With a wisp of dark mist Zhongli was left to himself, a bittersweet longing as old memories surfaced as he walked over to a locked chest near by and opened it pushing aside old belongings. At the bottom was an old puzzle sphere he tenderly picked up. A quiet grief on his face recalling that smiling face, and what could have been. Xiao was young by an adeptus standard, just starting his prime but Zhongli knew. "You will not make the same mistake I did that day."

To Be Continued...

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