On Your Behalf

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[A/N: Lumine finds and fills Xiao in on what happened. Xiao has a rather clever plan.]


Finding Xiao had been surprisingly easy to do for Lumine. But maybe that was because she was with him so often and knew what to look for now beyond his traces of anemo he'd leave behind. They had stumbled upon him actually not to far from Wanshu Inn...just a few miles away near a cavern after he had dispatched some corrupted monsters. But Paimon, being well, Paimon had been less then tactful and actually by mistake had upset the young yaksha. Which in kind had upset Lumine especially after learning what she had from Zhongli earlier today. It took some convincing and insistence but the girls manages to have him permit them to follow. Xiao while happy to see her had not too thrilled she had been so close to such corruption. But to be fair the blonde mortal of well over five hundred and eighteen years old...if not possibly older hadn't known he was busy purging the malice. But allow his dear traveler to assist he did, despite his misgivings.

The cavern itself was thick with a heavy, gloomy mist and maybe due to the energy or some unknown force pieces of bedrock floated in the air with simple sandbrairer trees. Their leaves lush with the color of blood. Overhead Lumine could see a swirl of light grey clouds and mist like a whirlpool in the air. "This more like a domain then a cavern."she thought curiously as Paimon floated nervously beside her. Xiao making it very clear they had to remain calm while in here lest they too became effected by the malice of begone deities. She had seen Xiao fight multiple times and his movements were swift and strike hard like a a swooping falcon was the best way she could describe it. Witnessing the ceremony itself he used to cleanse this place of its negative karma had been a wonder to be hold too. With one last flick of his spear the moist once tainted blood splattered off to the side.

"I think that's the last of them."Lumine sighed as she wiped her own sword clean before letting it vanish back into her dimensional storage. 

"It is."Xiao confirmed as he removed his mask and turned his attention to the area of these old ruins around them. Tangled, knarred tree roots of the old trees weaved through the crumbling and moss stone walls and even parts of the ground. The dark grey rocky surface now bared the signs of the carnage and the battle that had happened. Scorch marks from pyro slimes hopping about and from blasts from an abyss mage could be seen along with holes from Xiao's spear and anemo spears. His gaze then turned to Lumine with a tinge of relief. "Good no harm came to her this time."he thought in satisfaction. 

"It's good that we came here. An unusual number of living things had fallen under the malicious influence. Had we not arrived in good time, Lumine, the consequences would have been severe."huffed Xiao. It bothered him actually as to why since this era it was rare to see this high a concentration in one spot. Then something dawned on him. "Wait, why were you in the area Lumine? I've told you its dangerous coming anywhere near. You're always behaving so rash!"

"I'm sorry but I had to find you its important."said Lumine firmly.

"Nevermind, just be more careful next time."sighed Xiao before turning serious as out of habit crossed his arms as he permitted his polearm to vanish. "Now. What is this Starsnatcher you mentioned earlier. What's the situation?"

"Well I was doing my work for the guild as always. Dispatching monsters, dealing with some treasure hoarders....the usual stuff. We were making our way to my final job for the day when we ran into —"Lumine began but Paimon had cut her off.

"Ooo~! Paimon can tell you...."Paimon began.

"Paimon!"sighed Lumine. "Fine...you tell him."

"We ran into this small group and there was this guy wearing a mask. He claimed to be an adeptus that grants wishes, but Lumine doesn't believe him even after he chased away some hillicurls."Paimon explained.

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