Why Didn't You Call!? Pt II

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[A/N: For this I give a quote for Xiao x Lumine I think is rather fitting and I wonder if you will too..."Her love tamed his inner animal yet let him run wild, every time she kissed he turned mild. Ferocious was he like the wolf, wild and free; With her love in his life, nothing ever riled." - Shwetha N. I find it fitting especially for here but I wonder if you can figure out why I picked this quote/poem for XiaoLumi?]


A resounding shockwave and boom could be heard as the very grounds and ancient walls of the golden house were shook to the very core. Cracks formed on the pillars as the very floor itself crumbled under the pressure of abyssal and adeptal powers clashing for dominance as the floor gave way. The young yaksha's fury blazed as the youngest of the eleven harbingers couldn't even get in close to the Exuvia with how fast Xiao moved. Not far away Xiao had placed Lumine out of harm's way right by the base of the Exuvia's lifeless body since he knew that barrier would provide protection needed. But each time this Fatui was going after her and the Exuvia, claiming she had beaten him to Morax's gnosis!

This mortal was a threat.

A threat to his late lord, a threat to Liyue, and a threat to her! 

"You won't get to lay a filthy hand on either of them, pitiful mortal!"snarled Xiao once more getting in Childe's way to deflect his strange form with frightening ease. A lance of electro clashing with Xiao's own polearm in a blinding a vicious clash as sparks flew and the clang of blades ricocheting filled the chamber as the floor gave way from the sheer pressure of their conflict.

"Out of my way adeptus! She has the Gnosis and I will take it, don't make this get uglier then it needs to be."growled Childe, zipping across the chamber's basement like some electro seelie to try and attack. Some blows did manage to land but there was a reason this young adeptus had survived the archon war alongside Lord Morax whom he served for so long. 

Swift like the wind, like a stooping falcon he struck just as fiercely leaping off the pillars to plunge again and again. Causing countless anemo spears to shoot up like deadly spikes from a hunting trap that was easily giving the harbinger some difficulties. "Pathetic! Worthless!"he growled. "Lumine does not stoop to such cowardice."

"Starfall!!!"came a sudden cry out of nowhere seemingly, a giant falling boulder coming to rain down. That forced both boys to leap away as the dust cleared to reveal Lumine leap right at Tartaglia with honey amber eyes full of fury. "I did not take the Gnosis!"she snapped as she leaped away to skid to a halt beside Xiao.

"Yeah stupid Fatui we didn't take it!"spat Paimon.

But Childe would not have any of it, his temper blinding him to reason as he let loose a slash of electro that Xiao bolted in and protected Lumine from. "I told you damn fool, you aren't laying a hand on her!"hissed Xiao venom acing his voice and malice in the leer he shot as he looked over his shoulder. 

"Xiao, look out!"Lumine called grabbing the yaksha and rolling out of the way. Childe had sent forth that damn hydro whale again.

"Eek! Not the whale again! NOT THE WHALE!!"squealed Paimon quickly getting out of harms way too. 

"You alright?"Lumine asked letting Xiao up.

Xiao was fast to react this time grabbing Lumine by the waist and leaped out of the jet of water shot right at them. "Do not concern yourself with me! Pay attention, to that fool first. Do not let him anywhere near Rex Lapis's vessel!"rebuked Xiao as his gaze never left their target. Lumine though felt a bit flustered at having been held like that by Xiao but now was not the time for idle thoughts. Lumine though began to pale as she and her two companions watched Childe start to charge up that damn hydro arrow barrage, "Die here!"

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