Thanks & Announcements

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Thank you for all the love and support you have given this wonderful fanfic I have taken such enjoyment and love in writing. I had not been able to foreseen just how much love it would receive before I had finished. So once again I give a huge thank you!! In the Genshin Impact franchise there are two ships I adore the most and they are XiaoLumi and ChiLumi. 

I admit I did have some challenges writing tsundere here and there as I am rusty with that personality type. But I hope I did fine by you guys. I've been running off memories of some of my favorite tsundere boys from anime like Inuyasha(he's the biggest one helping me recall how to write them). I will not lie Inazuma arc I'll write in War of Change will be marked as rated "M" for mature. This has to do with the fact Inazuma has very dark themes in it such as war, soldiers abusing power, torture, gov't corruption, and so on. Now I will be updating the chapters as I spot any mistakes I missed during the first proof read, so don't be surprised if that pops up in your feed. 

Another thing there is something I wish to address. Lumine in Xiaolumi here will NOT have met Scaramouche unlike Lumine in its Chilumi counterpart. Especially since this Lumine is going to be much closer to my own on my team. I did not join the game until summer 2021 after all so my encounter was different for Scara. But one thing won't change and that Xiao's going to learn she's going to end up with a damn target on her back by the Tsarista. So fire at me some ideas you'd like to maybe see regarding this.

Question is what would you guys like to see for the Inazuma and Sumeru arcs respectively for Xiaolumi? I want to hear your wishes and suggestion. And maybe, just maybe I can some how work it in. I love getting my readers involved some times after all and seeing you comment on scenes in chapters. With that said, I'll see you guys over in "War of Change."

~Sincerely and truly ad astra abyssosque, Aria Snow

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