Time You Learned A Lesson Pt.I

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[A/N: Yes, its the Abyss quest. Xiao goes with Lumine and Dainslief but he was not counting on learning Lumine having such a dark past...or her real age for that matter. Also with Halloween around the corner please enjoy some music from Miracle of Sound.]


Spring was coming to its end ever so slowly. With it the the warm winds from the south bid ado to the brilliant blossoms that painted the trees and bushes with pastel hues. The gentle breeze taking away dandelion seeds to the skies. It was a deceptive innocence as in the ruins of Old Monstandt the howling gales around the massive tower never ceased. The sky void of any traces of clouds as the sun cast its harsh light down to the world below. Not even a long hawk dared to enter these ruins where four lone figures stood over looking what was now Dvalin's den. 

One a young woman that appeared to be in her late teens to early twenties with short blonde hair with long side bangs and twin flower hairpin. Her eyes a rich honey golden amber that wide in shocked horror as they never left the lone crushed dandelion poking out from the stone path. Not far away her celestial fairy friend floated near by with concern as their voices weren't reaching her.

"Lumine, what's wrong? Why are you spacing out?"came a crisp yet hsarp voice of the male adeptus walking to her side. His sharp tiger-like eyes full of worry and concern for the mortal before him. Not far away from them was the mysterious blonde mortal with an accent that could not be found anywhere in Tevyet's vast continent. That man, Xiao felt extremely on edge around him. His instincts as a yaksha howling and snarling something was not right which had only grown after he had used his dark energies to remove some kind of core. Dainslief's ominous power matched almost exactly to what he had quelled before from Lumine. Lumine gave no reply though as she by now was trembling, clutching her head as once fuzzy memories shot back violently...

...Screams of terror of the frightened, dismayed, and the dying tainted the howling winds. The stench of the very earth and burning lives left sickening fumes of ash as streams of black and red cube like energy streamed through without mercy. Buildings and the once beautiful palace of pristine white gold laced stone falling to the sea of fire. The moon overhead stained a blood red and the skies a deadly scarlet by the inferno. 

"Run, Lumine we gotta get out of here!"came a wail beside her from a blonde boy with a long braid. Various parts of his armor and clothes giving of a sacred very pale blue light as they ran. Lumine stumbled as she sprinted with her brother hot on her heels. The gate...they had to read the Celestial Gate high above the tallest peak to pierced the very heavens. They had to flee.

They kept running the soot and ash burned their lungs as they left the living hell on earth behind. Not long now they would reach that gate. They had to get out of here as they instantly took to the sky with their six beautiful golden wings to guide them. But some how they had been followed. They had been so, so close but the woman before them was no mortal being as she revealed to be the cause of that disastrous genocide they had witnessed. They wanted to get away but they would have to get through her first. But despite their resistance they stood no chance. Lumine wailed in agony as before her eyes her powers were so cruelly chained and shackled away. Her brother taken away before her eyes as darkness too engulfed her into sealing slumber...

"What's gotten into you, Lumine? You're spacing out."Paimon asked in concern.

"I can't believe it...f-five hundred years."she finally stuttered.

"What are you talking about Lumine? What do you mean by half a millenia?"Xiao asked in confusion. Xiao had heard about the tragedy of the fallen nation from Lord Morax but only what his contract with the holy land of Celestia permitted him to divulge. Which was not very much to start with. He only knew two archons had fallen and Lord Morax had been forced to retreat in order to protect Liyue while the others fled to do the same for their nations. But this entire trip he had been accompanying her and Dainslief had been making his blood run cold the more he learned about the Abyss and Khaenri'ah. 

Her gaze went to hold Xiao's still very much in a state of shock as the adeptus got her to sit down. "That's how long I was asleep, sealed away in that darkness before waking up on the shores of Tevyet."she whispered. 

Xiao's eyes grew wide in astonishment words stolen from him like a crow stole shiny trinkets. "Over five hundred years!? But she appears mortal in every way! Wait did she just say she had been sealed away?"Xiao thought his mind whirling from this revelation. If this was correct this made Lumine over 500 years old if not older. Then astonishment turned to pained horror she had seen one of the worst events in Tevyet's history and very likely was dead center in that living hell. 

"Lumine..."he whispered. Lumine could see the understanding and in his worried face, no doubt in her mind he probably had a million questions he wanted to ask her but too nervous to grab those answers.

"Eh? You mean your brother right? But how can that be...you only touch it for a second."Paimon gasped.

"Hmph, shows what you know. It is not uncommon for objects to hold memories or even something of familiarity."rebuked Xiao recalling a certain old comrade of his lord.

"I know it sounds strange, not even I understand it. But...the moment I touched it..."Lumine admitted. She quickly accepted the small canteen of water that Dainslief offered to her, swift to chug the cold liquid down. That seemed to help calm her fried emotions a little. But one thing was for sure she knew now. "Aether was here and he's alive."she thought. Aether was out there and he was alive!

"Perhaps that dandelion had a particular 'scent' only you would recognize."Dainslief was swiftly and calmly able to point out. "As for why though...perhaps it has something it experienced related to you?"

"Uh you're saying some really weird stuff again Dain. Paimon doesn't get it...."sighed Paimon in confusion. Lumine though had began to turn to leave.

"Regardless I have to go find hi —"Lumine looked in shock at feeling Xiao's firm grip on her arm.

"Do not be such a fool, Lumine. I told you not to be so reckless anymore."Xiao hissed in a scolding tone.

"Your adeptus companion is correct. Do not rush."Dainslief rebuked. "Vexation and anxiety are the enemies of rationality. Your journey has only just begun after all, has it not Lumine?"

"I get what you're saying Dain b-but my brother's out there and he's close by."Lumine protested looking between Dainslief and Xiao. But in her heart she knew both boys were right in their own sincere ways.

"Lumine he's alive, isn't that what matters?"Lumine nodded at Xiao's words as he let go of her arm now sure she would not rush off. "You have helped me asking nothing in return so rely on me, Lumine. For once rely on me and let me help you find your kin."

"Xiao...I-I don't know what to say."she whispered in astonishment.

"Then say nothing. I will help you find him."he stated firmly. Yes he would find Aether for Lumine even if he had to scale every hill and mountain cliff to do so. Heck he would tackle the lands beyond if he must. "If only so I can give that damn kin of her's a piece of my mind for making her suffer."he thought with a tsk as Lumine to his flustered embarrassment was now hugging him. Oh Lord Morax and the rest of the seven his affections and attraction to her was going to be the death of him with his lack of experience. But the more he thought about it where she was 18 years old or 10,000 years old he would take on anything if it meant that star shattering smile stayed on her face. 

"Once again the young yaksha speaks truthfully. At this time, the most important thing in this journey of yours is to find him."Dainslief calmly pointed out before crossing his arms. It was rather amusing and rare, the sight of an adeptus that found somebody to love and cherish. But even the adepti weren't without their more...hm...animalistic side just like the yokai clans of Inazuma. Was she aware just how rare such an occurrence was? More then likely.

"Yes and I will find him."Lumine said admently. 

"Tsk, what did I say earlier? Or have you so simple that you already have forgotten?"huffed Xiao.

"No I haven't. Together, we'll find Aether together, Xiao."giggled Lumine with a bright smile that instantly soothed Xiao at the sight. A sight that did not slip from Paimon as she giggled with a grin of mischief and whispered into Dainslief's ear making him grin in quiet amusement. Dainslief could see what was going on here but did the young adeptus know? No matter they had an Abyss Herald to track and dispose of and the trail was leading right back to Liyue.

To Be Continued...

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