Calls This Your Home

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[A/N: Teapot time! Teapot Time! This chapter is very chill and as such so is the music I provided above. Its some pretty and relaxing Chinese guqin classical music that should fit wonderfully for this chapter. Only fitting since Liyue is "Tevyet China" and Xiao does love his flute music. What theme did you all go for in your Serenitea Pots? Mine actually you'll find out in this chapter as Lumine takes after me here since she's the player's avatar anyways.]


A few days had passed since the ordeal with her brother and the Abyss. Lumine still felt a bit crestfallen by it but it she wasn't letting it weigh her down. All around her in Liyue Harbor the streets were hustling and bustling as people had started to decorate the streets with fancy streamers and lanterns. Lumine was not sure what was going on but Madame Ping and Yanfei had explained that Liyue's Lantern Rite Festival was just around the corner. Right now though she and Paimon were anxiously awaiting the adeptus elder to finish the gift.

"Hoo ho~! Here we are children, this is your serenitea pot all finished."informed Ping as she revealed the golden and bronze tea top. The tea pot look much like mix between Liyue and maybe Monstandt or Fontaine style china wear. The surface surprisingly firm as it gave off a faint shining glow as Lumine took it into her hand.

"Thank you Madame Ping, this means a lot. I won't need to pay for a room at an inn if I don't want to now."Lumined said smiling in gratitude. 

"Think nothing of it dearie, just be sure not to break it or who knows what would happen. You've done so much for our dear Liyue and Little Xiao thinks the world of you."chuckled Ping in delight as she handed the girls a small bag contains special sigils. 

"Little Xiao!? "snorted Paimon in laughter.

"Paimon! He can hear you every time you say his name like that you know."scolded Lumine.

"What? But its such a cute and funny nickname to Paimon."huffed the fairy. "But what are these sigils Madame Ping?"

"Oh those? Give them to whomever you wish to grant permission to come and go from your home. Only the holder of one of those sigils will be able to enter and to leave. As your journey goes on your little world inside will grow with you."she informed.

Lumine's eyes lit up in delight at hearing this information. IT meant she could invite her friends from Monstandt and Liyue. But there was one that had come to mind first. "By chance did you set it how I requested?"Ping nodded at Lumine question with a twinkle of mischief in her wise eyes. With that same star shattering smile Lumine grabbed and clutched the tea pot protectively in her arms bidding the old adeptus farewell. As fast as her feet could take her she spent the entire day reaching out to her friends and even reached out to Cloud Retainer and Zhongli. No time at all she got her world inside her tea pot ready thanks to their aid. So with a hop and skip to her step she went back to Wanshu Inn.

 So with a hop and skip to her step she went back to Wanshu Inn

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