I Want To Help You

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[A/N: Aw Xiao's not feeling too good today, seems his karma's really acting up. Lumine decides to bring it up with Zhongli, wondering if there's a way to help. Also another song for Xiaolumi as usual is found above. This time its "I Want You Here" by Plumb. Guess you could say its Xiao's POV toward Lumine? <3 ]


Lantern Rite had finally arrived.

Everywhere around Liyue the nation and its capital city of Liyue Harbor were swarming with people that had come from near and far to be with loved ones or just to witness the festivities. Lanterns and colorful décor filled the streets and even covered parts of the buildings. The smell of street food from vendors and the laughter of joyful playing children as music filled the air. But for the adepti this time of year was chaos outside the safety of the city and villages. But none more then Xiao Lumine had noticed. He had been returning injured far more often then usual and his mood had soured. It had gotten to the point she was noticing he seemed to be in far, far more pain now too...though he would not admit it to her face.

"It is most impolite to ignore one's conversation, Traveler."came a sharp rebuke across the stone table. Sitting across from her was a fair skinned silver haired woman with a sharp silver lilac gaze. Her dress bore the tell tale colors and markings of Cloud Retainer. Actually this was in fact Cloud Retainer out of her true form as an adeptus.

"Now, now, Cloud Retainer. Miss Lumine has been through a lot recently and has much on her mind."soothed the ombre burnette man between the two girls casually setting his cup down. 

"Hmph. But one must wonder why did you call for this one and Lord Morax?"asked Cloud Retainer.

"Actually I've been worried and wanted to ask something."this got the attention of both adeptus and the geo archon.

"Is this about young Xiao?"Zhongli asked.

"Yeah, Lumine won't stop worrying about him. Paimon can't understand why cause now he seems so cranky, well crankier then usual."Paimon said from where she floated near by munching on some mora meat pie. Lumine turning fifty shades of red because of it.

"It must be because it is that time of year, this one does suspect. What do you say Lord Morax?"hummed Cloud Retainer with a sigh resting her chin casually in the palm of her hand while her elbow rested on the table.

"Yes, I would agree."stated Zhongli with a serious tone.

"What do you mean? What's so different about this time of year?"Lumine asked.

"I am sure you have witnessed that the lantern rite festival has began, Miss Lumine?"Lumine nodded at his words. "The Lantern Rite is an extremely busy time period as malice and corruption from vengeful spirits of those fallen surface far more often. This in turn makes adepti and exorcists extremely busy. In particularly for the young yaksha. In turn his karma is most certainly acting up far more then usual."

The girls gasped at this information as Lumine clenched her fists gripping her dress tight. "No wonder he hates the lantern rite...he's constantly in pain but this is making it worse and nobody but the other adpeti know it!"she thought sadly. No this was not sympathy she felt or pity but frustration the one she admittedly loved and cared about was hurting. She had witnessed at least twice what those negative karmic episodes did to him and hated he went through that. 

"Paimon doesn't like seeing him hurt....even if he is a grouch."whimpered Paimon.

"You'd be cranky too Paimon if you were constantly in pain."sighed Lumine earn an amused chortle from Cloud Retainer. 

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