Blind crush

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"Felix!" I hear Changbin call me, "yes?" I said turning my head his direction. "You know there's a party coming up tomorrow night!"

I nod my head In response and turn my head to my locker, "So..? Did you think about asking anyone?" Seo asked.

"Yeah.. You know that guy at school, Chan!" I said smiling, "Oh.. Ok, Nevermind then," He said turning around and walking, "Hey! Why do you seem so down all of the sudden?"

"N-no reason.." Changbin said as he walked a bit fast, I stopped walking and stopped smiling.

I could see his eyes start to fill with tears, 'Why is he suddenly like this? Did I do something wrong?'

I didn't go after him because the school bell rang but I knew where he always went when he was sad.

A while later after class ended I immediately stood up and got out of class running to the rooftop, 'God! These stairs!'

I opened the door to the room but when I looked around he wasn't there, "Changbin? Are you here?" I asked.

No answer.. "I guess he left..." I said to myself as i slowly left the rooftop.. Little did I know Changbin was there.

Hiding behind the wall connected to the door...

I kept thinking about him all day and kept getting lost in thoughts. The last bell of the day rang, "All right class! Don't forget to read pages 276, 277, and 27-"

I ran out of class before I could hear the teacher say the last page, I ran out of the school and kept running until I reached his parents' house.

I knocked on the door and could see Mrs. Seo as she opened the door, "Hi! Is Changbin here?" I asked.

"No, doesn't he always come home with you and Hyunjin?" Mrs. Seo asked, "Oh right.. Ok thank you! Bye Mrs. Seo!"

I started running again all the way to Hyunjins house, Out of breath I knocked on the door and saw Hyunjin open the door.

Without saying anything I walked in his house and just grabbed a bottle from the fridge, "Why are you so out of breath?" Hyunjin asked.

"I ran all the way here," I said still breathing hardly, "Isn't your house like, 20 minutes away from mine?" He asked.

"Yeah.. But I came here to ask if Changbin was here" I said drinking some more water, "Uh.." Hyunjin moved to cover up the couch.

"Nope! Not here! Hehe sorry!" He said nervously, "What are you hiding?" I asked getting up though I didn't have that much energy left.

I made my way to the couch and saw Changbin peacefully sleeping on it, "Thank god he's here.. Now i don't have to be worried too much anymore.."

I felt like i would pass out any second and Hyunjin noticed, He took my shoes off and took my jacket off.

He layed me down beside Changbin, "Gee, next time don't come running like that at least call me! Just rest here for now and I wanna talk to you later." Hyunjin said sighing.

I just nodded still trying to catch my breath but as I did that I hugged Changbin and his my face in his chest before falling asleep.

~Time skip~

I was now awake, I was sitting on a chair across from Hyunjin, "Uhm.. What do you wanna talk about..."

"You know Changbin likes you right?" Hyunjin said, I blinked a couple times, Changbin likes me? I didn't know...

I shook my head, "No.. I didn't know.." I mumbled feeling bad, "Is that why he was so down today..."

Hyunjin nodded, "I skipped school today and he went to school for you, to ask you to go with him at the party. But once you told him you'd invite Chan his heart broke into a million pieces.. Felix.. He left so many hints, how were you so blind to see that?"

My head was down, I was looking at my lap and playing with my fingers a bit.

"I-I.. I don't know..." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry.." I added, "Don't say sorry to me, You gotta say sorry to him.." Hyunjin said.

"I'm not being mean but I'm just telling you... He came up to my house in tears and cried the whole day telling me about you and how he loved you. He only fell asleep a few minutes before you came.." Hyunjin also added sighing.

I just kept quiet before I stood up going to go see Changbin. Hyunjin didn't follow, knowing I was going there.

I sighed and just sat down, waiting till Changbin woke up, which he surprisingly did once I sat down.

He sat up, his hair was all messed up which was cute and he had a pout on his face.

He looked over to me, "Oh... Hi Felix.. How did it go with Chan?" He asked mumbling.

"Changbin, I'm sorry.. I was blind and somehow couldn't see that you left so many hints for me to find out you liked me.. I didn't ask Chan... Look Changbin... I'm really sorry.." I said in tears.

"Hey.. It's okay.. You don't have to apologize.. It's not your fault for not liking me.. I just wasn't good enough I guess.." He said sitting me in his lap.

I shook my head, "No, Changbin you're more than enough.. I guess I just never thought of it.. And Uhm.. Also.. Maybe go to the dance with me?..." I asked.

Changbin smiled and nodded. I also smiled and hugged him, "Ok, Woah Don't have sex on my couch guys, like once you guys start dating I swear, Felix you'll be in the same sitting position riding Changbin's dick.." Hyunjin mumbled seeing that I was on Changbin's lap.

"Hyunjin!" Changbin and I yelled embarrassed.

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