Thank You

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Felix was heading out of school, finally glad it was over.

His house wasn't too far so he'd walk back home everyday.

Today he wanted to spend a but more time outside so he took the longer way home.

Everything was normal until he noticed some middle schoolers bullying someone.

He quickly went to them and yelled, "Hey! What are you kids doing!?"

The kids were startled but didn't do anything and just looked at him, "None of your business, go away we're busy here" one of the kids said.

"Me? Walk away? No thank you. Now, you better walk away before I do something about this" Felix said his tone a bit more serious, his voice now deeper, scaring the kids a bit.

"What're you gonna do?.." Another kid asked.

"Oh nothing too bad, just maybe call the police and tell them what you've been doing to this poor boy, You know you'd end up being in big trouble with your parents if they found out about this." He said.

The boys quickly got scared, "No! We won't bully him anymore we're sorry!" They all exclaimed.

"Not just him, Don't bully anyone else! You also need to say sorry to him not me." He said pointing at the bullied boy.

They all turned around and apologized to him before quickly running away home.

"Thank you sir" the young boy said, "You're welcome, next time if they ever bully you again make sure to run to the park, I go there everyday so I'll be able to protect you!" Felix said smiling.

"Okay! I'll be sure to do that!" The little boy said smiling back.

Felix smiled more before he noticed someone familiar, "Changbin?" He mumbled.

"Hi..." Changbin mumbled, Changbin went to the same school as Felix and was more of a quiet and smart kid.

"Thank you.." He mumbled, "For what??" Felix asked confused.

"For protecting my brother.. I was always scared to tell the kids to go away and had to watch my brother being bullied everyday.. I know I'm older than those kids but it was all scary to me.." Changbin said with teary eyes which Felix noticed.

"Hey.. Don't cry.. Just because you're scared and you can't help him doesn't mean you can cry.. I'll be here everyday now so don't worry, just don't cry please" Felix said as he hugged Changbin.

"Thank you" Changbin said slightly smiling as he hugged back wiping the tears away.

"You guys look cute together" They heard, they both blushed and moved away looking at Changbin's younger brother.

"Hey!.. You be quiet! Don't say that.." Changbin told his brother embarrassed, "It's true, and isn't he the guy you always talk about? Because he looks exa-" Changbin quickly covered his mouth and looked at Felix blushing, "he doesn't know what he's saying! He's sick! Uh! W-we'll get going! Bye and thank you!" Changbin said before dragging his brother away.

"I know what I'm talking about and I'm not sick!" His brother yelled, Felix laughed and smiled at their cuteness, "I'll see you tomorrow Changbin!" He yelled smiling.

Changbin looked back and smiled before waving bye, once the two were out of sight, Felix went home with a big smile on his face and for the rest of the day, Changbin was the only thing in his mind.

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