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Felix had a huge crush on his best friend Changbin.

He sadly couldn't confess, it's not that he couldn't but he chose not to.

He knew Changbin liked girls since that's all the other has seen him date so he knew he had no chance of being with Changbin.

At the moment Felix was in Changbin's room waiting for him since the older had basketball practice.

"Felix! I'm home!" Felix heard. He quickly got up from the others bed smiling and ran to him quickly hugging him.

"Changbin! You're finally here!!" He said jumping a bit.

"Gee! Okay okay I'm here but I gotta go shower I'm all sweaty" he said hugging Felix back.

Changbin smiled at Felix being cute then let go, Felix doing the same thing, "You better hurry!! I wanna spend time with you!" Felix said pouting a bit since they haven't been able to spend as much time together since Changbin was in the basketball team now.

"Don't worry, I'll hurry just for you" Changbin said smiling before making his way up to the bathroom, Felix going back on the bed.

After a bit, Changbin was finally done showering and entered his room with a towel around his waist.

"Felix I need my clothes and I need to change" He said slightly startling Felix.

Felix turned around and looked at Changbin, his eyes quickly falling onto the others body.

He stared at the others body for a bit before sudden dirty thoughts came to mind, he quickly felt aroused and sat up covering himself.

"Uhm, I'll get out.. I gotta go to the bathroom anyways..." He said before getting up pulling his shirt down to hide himself.

Changbin who had saw the others boner smirked, "Felix, Why are you hiding yourself?" He teasingly asked.

"Uh.. N-no reason..." Felix mumbled before he sat back down looking away blushing.

Changbin went up to Felix and smiled, You can touch me if you want, I don't mind~" he said smirking.

Felix looked up and shook his head, "N-ni it's okay.. I just.. You have a really nice body" he said biting his lips.

"Do I now?" Changbin said before he pushed Felix down, getting on top of him, "I have a nice body? Would you like to see all of it?" He said making Felix, who was looking away, look at him.

Felix gulped and nodded only blushing more, "If you say so" Changbin said before getting up removing his towel and exposing himself.

Felix looked and only felt himself get harder as more dirty thoughts rushed in.

"Changbin.. I think I need you.." Felix admitted looking up at the other.

"Do you? Or do you Want me?" Changbin asked tilting his head as he got back on top of Felix.

"I need you. Please." Felix said whining a bit now feeling desperate as he slightly lifted his hips up feeling the others exposed member rub against his clothed member.

A moan escaped his mouth but he quickly shut himself as he felt Changbin push his hips down.

"Good. Because after that I also really need you." Changbin said before his lips met Felix's.

Felix wasn't expecting that but kissed back, wrapping his arms around the others neck.

"Please Changbin, I don't just want kissing at the moment..." Felix said moving away, "Fine, at least let me prep you" Changbin said not wanting to hurt the other.

-Time Skip-

"Fuck! Felix I'm gonna cum!" Changbin said thrusting in the other faster and deeper.

"Changbin!~" Felix moaned out feeling like he could also release at any moment.

Changbin went just a bit rougher as well as just a bit deeper, but just that made Felix release.

Felix's back arched, his eyes were rolled back and his thighs shook as he came all over himself, a loud and  high pitched moan coming out of his mouth.

From Felix's moan, Changbin came inside of Felix, letting out a loud groan.

He thrusted in and out a few times before pulling out. He quickly got up and got tissues, cleaning both of them up.

"Time for a bath this time" Changbin said carrying Felix to the bathroom before placing him on the counter, starting to fill up the bath with warm water.

Felix just looked at the other, slightly smiling but it quickly dropped.

He just at sex with the other am but why? Why did Changbin decide to do it with him?.. Did Changbin decide to use him?

A whole bunch of questions rushed over making Felix tear up. He was too lost in his thoughts he didn't realize him and the other were already in the water.

"What're you thinking about so hard hm?" Changbin asked as he wrapped his arms around Felix's waist, leaving kisses on the others neck.

"Changbin, why did you decide to have it with me?.. You like girls.. Did you decide to just use me?..." Felix asked as he turned around to face the other.

Changbin quickly turned Felix around so they could fully face each other.

"Felix, why would you say that.. I'm not using you.. Don't cry please..." He said biting his lips.

"I like you. I've liked you since we've met. I was just always scared you never felt that way about me.." Changbin confessed.

Felix looked at the other surprised, "But, I thought you liked girls.. You keep dating them.. Why would you like me if you're dating girls.." He mumbled.

"I tried to get rid of those feelings for you by dating them but the more time I spent with you the more the feelings grew.. And Felix, who wouldn't like you? You're cute, you're handsome, You have the cutest cheeks, you have the most beautiful eyes, you have the plumpest and cutest lips ever, Felix, you're, gorgeous, you're funny, you're nice and caring, You're perfect, Felix I love you okay?" Changbin confessed seeing Felix cry more.

"Don't cry dear..." He said before hugging the younger, "I love you too Changbin, I love you so much, you're the first and only person who has ever said those words to me" Felix said crying in the others arms.

Changbin smiled, "I'm glad I am, Felix, I also have a question" he said.

Felix looked up at him sniffling, "What is it?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?.." Changbin asked a bit nervous.

Felix smiled, his heart feeling like it could burst out, "Yes, yes! of course, I would love to, I love you Changbin!" He said before hugging the other again. Changbin smiled and hugged back.

"I love you too Felix"

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