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The day started all normal for me, I, Changbin, had just gone to the park to go play a bit since I was bored.

Everything went fine until I saw these two black vans pull up, I quickly left the park and tried to run back home but I got caught before I could even start running.

Of course I knew who it was, my dad's greatest enemy. My dad is one of the greatest Mafias out there so other mafias got competitive.

At the moment I was sitting on the floor hugging my knees, I was in a room with the son of my dad's rival.

He was sitting in a chair smoking which had caught my attention a bit.

He noticed my interest and had asked me to come to him, "Come here."

I shook my head a bit nervous at what he'd do.

"I won't hurt you" He said.

I hesitated a bit before standing up and making my way to him. He patted his lap for me to sit on and I did, surprisingly.

He lightly smiled before he spoke, "Close your eyes for me" he said. I just nodded and did as I was told.

After a few seconds, I felt arms wrap around my waist and next thing I felt was his pair of lips on mine. I was a bit nervous but kissed back.

The kiss was soft and gentle yet filled with passion.

After a bit he pulled away and smiled, I just looked at him blushing, "Could you exhale for me please?" He asked.

I nodded and exhaled quickly seeing smoke come out making my eyes widen a bit.

"Good job baby" he said before pecking me on the lips.

I just smiled and blushed a bit. I knew I wasn't supposed to like him since he was my dad's biggest rival's son, but the way he acted towards me made me like him.

He was somewhat, sweet and gentle.

"What's you're name?.." I asked.

"My name is Felix"

Changlix one shotWhere stories live. Discover now