Wrong Shot Cupid <3

525 17 6

❃.✮:▹ Requested by linoochuu ◃:✮.❃

In this world, as soon as a child is born, an assigned Cupid is also born.

Everyone, from birth get their own personal Cupid.

No one else can see it except for them.

There are some rules ALL Cupids must follow to be able to succeed at their one and only job.

1st, since Cupids are able to see each other, they must always decide on if they think the partners they choose belong with each other.

2nd, They must never, NEVER, fall in love with who they are assigned to. If they do, they'll disappear forever. No one knows where they go and no one dares to find out where.

         。.。:∞♡*♡ 8/11/99 ♡*♡∞:。.。

A loud cry was heard.

Cheering of happiness and sighs of tiredness were also heard.

"Congratulations Mrs. Seo and Mr. Seo on your son! " The doctor said as a nurse gave Mrs. Seo the new born child before another nurse came to wrap him in a towel.

Mrs. Seo and Mr. Seo looked at each other and smiled, "Good job honey, I'm proud of you" Mr. Seo said before giving his wife a peck.

Mrs. Seo blushed and just smiled, "Thank you" she said before looking down at the baby.

She caressed his check before seeing him look up at her.

"Hi! Hi baby.. I'm your mother.." She said smiling before seeing the little one open his eyes.

He babbled a bit before he quickly closed his eyes, a loud cry coming from his mouth.

"Ooh! Here I'll take care of him, we have to go do some testing on him really quickly so while I'm at it I'll try to calm him down!" A nurse said.

Mrs. Seo nodded before handing the child over to her. She sighed and looked up at her husband who just interlocked their hands together.

He brought her hand up to his lips before placing a kiss there. Mrs. Seo only smiled, "Woah, the last time you did that was when you proposed to me, 2 years ago" she said teasing him.

"I'm sorry my love, but you know how busy I got with work.." Mr. Seo mumbled.

Mrs. Seo only chuckled, "I know I know, don't worry" she said before she softly smiled at her husband who smiled back.

                 •°•°•°•°* . . . *°•°•°•°•

The child was now five years old. He lived in an apartment with his older sister and his parents.

"Sister, the person here isn't talking to me, why?" He asked, finishing up his coloring book with his sister.

"Mmm, they should, mine talks to me, and well, since you guys are still young you guys don't know a lot of words so I'm guessing that's the problem. But don't worry they'll talk to you one day!" She said smiling.

He smiled back before looking beside at the person beside him, "Do you know how to talk?" He asked.

The other nodded, "Why you no talk then.. I want you to speak to me" He said pouting.

"I'm not good with words..." The other child mumbled embarrassed before he felt his body being hugged by the other.

"You spoke! Sister they spoke to me!!" The young child said excitedly.

"That's good!! You should tell them good job!!" She said before she went back to the conversation she was having with her Cupid.

He nodded before he turned to the side seeing that the other was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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