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"Felix!! Let's go shopping!!" Changbin said smiling as he ran to Felix hugging him.

"Sure hun, Just let me get changed first" He said smiling, "No! No time! It's important!" Changbin said before he took the car keys dragging Felix with him.

He made Felix drive since he wanted to do something for Felix while he was driving.

Felix started driving wondering why Changbin wanted to go shopping with him so bad, "So where you wanna go??" Felix asked, "I'll put a guide on but won't tell you the location~" Changbin said smiling before he put his phone down to where Felix could see the direction.

Everything was going fine until Changbin put his hand on Felix's thigh, His hand close to the others zipper, "Changbin what are you doing??" Felix asked noticing how the other was playing with his pants zipper.

"Nothing nothing!" Changbin said before he slowly and quickly pulled the zipper down, Felix not noticing it yet until he felt a hand on his crotch.

"Changbin. What, are you doing?." Felix asked once again more seriously, "Like I said nothing.. Just wanna make sure you have a little fun~" Changbin mumbled slightly smirking before his hand went in the others boxers taking out the others member.

Felix glared at Changbin not being able to do anything since he was driving.

"Changbin." Felix said quickly looking back at the road.


"Stop that."


Changbin innocently smiled at the other as he started stroking the other feeling the other grow hard.

Felix moaned a bit but quickly shut up, "Binnie not now I'm driving" he said biting his lips.

"I know" Changbin said before he took his seat belt off before he leaned down facing the others member.

He looked up at the other who looked down at him for a second, Changbin smiled before he licked the others tip.

Felix held in his sound as Changbin licked him a few more times, "Mmm, Youre no fun" Changbin said before he took the other in his mouth, making sure everything was in just like how the other liked it.

Felix's head tilted back as he groaned, feeling the wet yet warmness of the others mouth.

Changbin kept looking as his head started moving up then back down feeling it in his throat.

"Bin.." Felix mumbled before Changbin hummed as a response sending chills down Felix back, but in a good way of course.

Felix was gonna tell him to stop but realized that since they were already in this situation he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Keep going, and move your head faster" Felix said in a serious tone focusing on both the road and the other.

Changbin hummed again before he started moving his head faster, his eyes rolling back as he moaned.

He swirled his tongue around the other only moving his head faster with each movement.

"Feels good baby" Felix groaned already feeling his high coming.

"Keep going like that" he said as Changbin did what the other told him to do.

Felix grabbed a handful of the others hair and pulled it a bit, earning a loud moan from the other turning him on more.

"Fuck.. I'm gonna cum" he mumbled as Changbin only went faster.

And just like that, Felix released in the others mouth, Changbin gagged a bit but swallowed it all and kept going for a short amount of time before he moved away.

Saliva covered his mouth but he quickly wiped that away before helping Felix put his member away and zipping his pants up.

"Is that why you wanted me to go shopping with you??" Felix asked looking at Changbin as he parked.

"Mhm!! And come on! We're here!!" Changbin said smiling as he got out of the car. Felix got out and looked at the building, "Hmm, Sex toys huh?? Well whatever we buy here I'll use on you later once we get home~" Felix said making Changbin blush.

"Aww~ You're so cute~ But don't act all blushy when I said that, You're the one who just gave me a blowjob" Felix said before he wrapped an arm around Changbins waist.

"Shut up! Just don't say that out loud!" Changbin said clearly embarrassed.

"Sure sure, Now let's go because I'm getting excited for tonight~" Felix whispered the last part to changbin knowing the other would get flustered.

Changbin blushed and hit the other on the arm before he quickly ran in the store.

Felix chuckled yet followed behind smiling at his cute boyfriend.

Changlix one shotWhere stories live. Discover now