Gun Sex

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I was on my bed at the moment, waiting for my boyfriend, Changbin, to come home.

He was currently fighting and shooting and doing his typical mafia leader stuff.

Right, did I mention he was the Mafia leader?

I sighed and just closed my eyes for a bit before I felt two hands wrap around my waist under my shirt.

I didn't react knowing who it was.

"You're finally here" I mumbled as i opened my eyes looking at Changbin. "Sorry Love, the guy this time was a bit tougher but we still got him." He said.

He left kisses on my neck. I hummed a bit before closing my eyes again, leaning my head to the side a bit leaving him more space.

He just left kisses there until he started to bite and suck on my neck, I knew he left some very visible spots anyone could see but I didn't mind.

I mean, he always does that anyway.

I hummed a bit again before he slowly moved his hand down to my shorts.

I bit my lips knowing exactly what he was gonna do.

He placed his hand on my clothed member and slowly rubbed circles with his thumb on it.

As he did that I let out a little whine feeling myself grow hard.

"Hm, I barely did anything yet" Changbin said his lips still touching my skin.

"B-be quiet!" I stuttered, he chuckled a bit before he sat up a bit starting to kiss me on the jaw.

I tried to keep quiet but that didn't really last long when he took my member in his hand, starting to stroke it.

I let out soft quiet moans, I really didn't want to because I was a bit shy. We've done stuff a few times but I still get shy.

"It's okay, I've already heard those beautiful and cute noises of yours so please don't try to be quiet my love" I heard him say before he connected our lips.

I hummed a bit as a response before moving my lips with his. The kiss was sweet yet filled with lust.

After a bit, the speed in his movement increased a lot, it could make me release any moment now.

But I tried to hold it in which was hard.

"P-please! Changbin! I need you now!"  I moaned out. Changbin just watched me finding it fun.

"Oh Darling, You won't be getting me  tonight" he said as he stopped, making me whine.

He took out a bottle of lube and poured some on his fingers putting a bit on my hole.

He smirked as he slowly entered two fingers in.

It hurted but felt amazing.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked moaning. "You'll be getting this" he said as he took out his gun.

"It has no bullets and It's pretty big, just like me, so you should like it! I'll definitely like watching you" He mumbled the last part quietly as he took out his fingers.

"Just! Please just use it! I want- No! I need something in me!" I said pouting a bit.

He nodded and quickly moved the gun down to my hole before he quickly entered it in.

I let out a loud cry mixed with a moan. Changbin pecked my cheek, "It's okay love, It won't hurt in a bit!" He said.

I nodded as he slowly started moving the gun out of me quickly shoving it back in.

It did hurt a bit, and it also felt different since it's a gun in me this time, but like he said, it started to not hurt anymore and instead pleasure came in.

He repeated the movements, increasing the speed again. He would sometimes slow down just to annoy and tease me but would quickly apologize and kiss me.

Changbin sat in between my legs before he moved my shirt up a bit. He leaned in slowly licking my nipple as I let out a gasp.

He hasn't done that before so it was very new to me.

He kept on slowly licking both of them and while he was licking one, his free hand would touch my other nipple.

I could feel him start to do something different now and that's when I felt my bud in between his teeth.

I moaned at the feeling, It hurted but I liked that feeling.. Instead of it feeling like it hurts.. It felt nice..

"M-more~ and faster please.." I moaned out as Changbin just nodded doing what I asked him to do.

After a bit I felt like I could release any moment, "C-Changbin~ I-" I started saying but got quickly cut off by the older.

"Go ahead, Cum for me Darling~" He said, his voice really low and deep at the moment as he started stroking my member again.

I let out a high pitched moan as my back arched. My eyes rolled all the way back, my legs shaking.

I released all over myself and Changbin's hand, panting.

"That.. Was amazing.. I definitely want to use that gun again.. But.. Can we do that again right now?.. I want you in me this time.." I mumbled.

Changbin chuckled a bit, "Of course we can darling" he said before connecting our lips.

God I love this man.

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