First time

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Felix and his boyfriend were in the car, it was late at night and they were driving back from a date.

They were both smiley and giggly, loving each other.

They've been dating for a year but they've been friends for a couple years so they knew each other pretty well.

Or that's what one of them thought.

"Felix, Do you think you'd be up to try.. Uhm.. You know.. Tonight..?" Changbin asked.

Felix blushed and looked at him, "Of course! I'd love doing it as long as it's with you" Felix said smiling as Changbin parked in front of their house.

Changbin smiled and looked at the younger before patting his lap. Felix got on top of the other sitting on his lap.

They both stared at each other smiling and just enjoying each other's presence even if they were quiet.

Felix bit his lips and hesitated a bit but quickly chose to do it, he wrapped his arms around the orders neck and smashed his lips on the others.

Changbin was a bit surprised at the sudden action but kissed back smiling.

The kiss was filled with love at first but it quickly took a turn when Felix decided to change that up, the kiss now filled with lust and neediness.

They had both gotten hard from their short make out and knew they had to get out of the car.

Changbin moved away and opened the door for Felix to get out but Felix only connected their lips again.

Changbin chuckled a bit and placed his hands under Felix's thighs, carrying him out of the car before using his leg to close the door.

He made his way to the door while holding and kissing the other who was pinned against the door while changbin was trying to open the door.

Once the door was open Changbin quickly rushed in the bedroom and threw Felix on the bed before he took his coat and jacket off, as well as his shoes.

Changbin quickly got on top of the other and connected their lips again.

After a bit of undressing and needy kissing they were starting to get a bit further than that.

"Please go slow.." Felix mumbled to Changbin who moved away looking at him.

"Is this your very first time?.." Changbin asked.

Felix but his lips and nodded, "I never told you and didn't want to because I wanted you to just enjoy and do it however you liked..." Felix said looking up at the other.

"Oh Felix.. You should've told me.. I would've been gentle with you about this from the beginning... Are you sure you want to do this then?.." Changbin asked.

Felix quickly nodded, "Yes! Yes please!" He said a bit shy now.

Changbin smiled, "Don't worry, I'll make this unforgettable and I'll make sure that you'll love it" Changbin said before kissing the other, this time with more love than lust.

"Thank you Changbin"

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