Forgive me?

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Felix and his husband, Changbin, had just gotten into a huge fight and were giving each other the silent treatment at the moment.

Felix was in the kitchen cooking at the moment while he was in the bedroom working on work stuff.

Felix set up the table but since he was pissed off at him he decided to eat first. Once he was done he put food in his plate and washed his own plate before he went up to the other , "Foods ready.." felix mumbled before he got on the bed.

Changbin just nodded before he left to the kitchen seeing only one plate, he pouted a bit, regretting the fight he had with Felix.

He quietly ate his food pouting the whole time, once he was done he went to the sink washing his plate and everything else he used.

Felix had moved in the living room playing a game on the TV but he got bored if it and lied down on the couch staying on his phone leaving the TV on since he forgot where he placed the remote.

"Felix.." Changbin mumbled looking at the younger pouting, Felix looked at him but didn't say anything before he went back on his phone.

Changbin stared at him a bit annoyed now, he made his way to the other and lied down on top of him.

Felix looked down at the other for a second before looking at his phone again.

Changbin frowned a bit before his mouth made it's way to the others neck, leaving kissed there, "I'm sorry.. Please forgive me..." He said against the others skin as he kept leaving kisses there.

"Mmm.. Don't know" Felix replied not looking at the other even if he felt himself blush.

Changbin's hand went up inside of Felix's shirt making it's way up to the others bud, his finger slightly grazed over one of them as he was now sucking on the others skin.

"Please" he said letting go as he looked at the mark he just made. Felix looked at him biting his lips, "I don't know..." He mumbled wanting to see what the other would do.

Changbin frowned again this time throwing Felix's phone on the small table next to them before he took Felix's shirt off his mouth quickly making his way to the others mouth, connecting their lips.

His fingers pinching Felix's bud a bit. A moan left Felix's mouth before he moved away, he looked at Changbin as he felt himself grow hard from the other playing with his bud.

"What will you d- Ngh~ Do if I forgive you..." He asked tilting his head a bit.

"I promise to make you feel good tonight, just like how you like it.." He said before he moved down to face the others bud licking it.

Felix moaned and quickly covered his mouth, "Fine.. I forgive you" he said seeing Changbin smile, "Thank you, I love you" He said before making his way back to Face Felix, connecting their lips again.

"I love you too Binnie.."

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